Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our First Date...

My first date with My Better Half was not supposed to be a date. We had known each other for a few years and were friends, sort of. He was actually a friend of my ex-boyfriend. I had seen him on more than several occasions throughout the previous four years. He would visit us. Have dinner with us. Hang out with us. I liked him and he liked me…as friends. It had never dawned on either one of us that we would ever end up together.

Having split up with our mutual ‘acquaintance’ I moved on. About a year later he and I spoke and decided to get together ‘as friends’. We had always enjoyed each other’s company and the conversation had come easily. Why not continue this friendship on our own.

We went out for dinner at a combination restaurant/comedy club. After eating dinner in the dining room we adjourned to the bar area for the show. We grabbed a table right next to the stage and sat across from one another. The show started and the comics, like the restaurant, were local, but entertaining.

About half way through the show the ‘host’ decided he was going to do his shtick before announcing the next comedian. I don’t remember all that he said. What I do remember was that he claimed he could tell if couples were married or on a date. He said couples that were on a date sat next to each other and would occasionally whisper in the other’s ear or cuddle. The couples that were married sat across from one another and kept their distance. He then started to address couples in the audience asking if they were married or on a date. And with each couple he targeted his hypothesis was proven correct…until he picked on us. He asked whether we were married or on a date. I guess because we were put on the spot we answered, “On a date.”

What happened from that point on changed history, or at least our history. That ‘host’ began to poke fun at us for sitting across the table from one another as opposed to next to each other. At this point the stagehand took his cue and put the spotlight on us. And as every eye in the house was upon us the host told me to give him a kiss. I leaned over the table and gave my ‘date’ a peck on the cheek. The audience started booing me. The waitresses booed me. And the bartender booed me. The host then instructed me to give my ‘date’ a REAL kiss. I leaned over the table and gave him a REAL kiss.

And that, my friends, is how our first date came about. It wasn’t planned, but destiny rarely is.


Anonymous said...

Awww, what a lovely story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Badass Geek said...

I got my girlfriend-turned-wife to like me by playfully insulting her at every chance I got. Turns out that after 3 years, she doesn't like that part so much anymore.

Unknown said...

So - what happened next? Did you stop at kisses? I get the feeling you're leaving out important details, here.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Thanks for reading.

Badass Geek:
I don't think I would either.

Actually, we did stop at kisses that night. We went our second date about a week later.

Whitney said...

How funny! I would have been so nervous I woulda ran outta there! Well, maybe not, but my face would have been beat red. So fun! Thanks for sharing.

CK said...

Geez, you never tell your sister anything! All kidding aside, what a wonderful first date! I really don't remember ever hearing this story. How absolutely FAB! [giggle]

Expat No. 3699 said...

Yes it was slightly embarassing. I don't think my face turned red, but I'm not sure.

I'm sure I told you this, especially since we went to New York shortly after it happened.

CK said...

Well, if indeed you shared that wonderful story with me, I can assure you any memory of that conversation was overshadowed by the horrible first night we spent in the "remodeled" HoJo hotel! Remember? Nice lobby, but the room was only as big as two twin beds with a nightstand in between. The next morning we moved into one of the suite hotels on East 51st with two queen beds, a fully-stocked kitchen, and a wonderful concierge who sent up loads of "amenities" to make up for the other hotel mishap.

Anonymous said...

what a cute story! thanks for sharing!

Expat No. 3699 said...

And don't forget seeing that musical on Broadway (the name escapes me) when we sat in the nose bleed section of the balcony!

Pink Potpourri:
It's a cute story now, but at the time I was horrified at being put on the spot like that.

CK said...

Yep... Crazy for You... hated it. Remember the woman who wanted to trade seats with me, so that she could hang on for dear life to the side rail to which I was desperately clinging! But it was all made better that night, when we saw Beauty and The Beast. That was 13 years ago, but I still remember the over-the-top performance by the actor portraying Gaston (as if the show wasn't ordinarily totally over-the-top camp).

Anonymous said...

That isn't destiny - having a spotlight trained on you and an audience cheering for action - nothing is.

My first date story doesn't hold a candle to that.

Anonymous said...

Okay, my carelessness totally changed the meaning of what I said.

It's: IF that isn't destiny then nothing is. Leaving out the "if" makes it sound like I don't believe in destiny.

Come to think of it, I'm not at all sure if I do or don't...

Heather said...

How sweet! =)
Here's a little known fact about moi - my current husband was my ex husband's best man at our wedding. Whoops!

Megan said...

Oh my goodness, how CUTE is this story! It should win a prize for the cutest matchmaking story. :0) Why no pictures!?!

Lilly said...

That was truly a lovely story!Thanks for dropping by my lbog to read the Past Lives story - let me know if you are interested in doing one yourself!

Anonymous said...

Cute story Linda! Remind me to tell you about Jim and I's first date sometime. I won't hog up your blog with the story, but its pretty funny!

Expat No. 3699 said...

I don't know if I believe in destiny either, regardless I'm glad that we've found each other.

Join the club. My Better Half was friends with my ex and my daughter is married to her ex's friend.

No pictures because A. I'm just dipping my foot in the photography pool and B. We had no idea that this would turn into what it did, thus no camera in tow.

I will definitely be stopping by you again. And though I would love to add to the story, I don't think I could even come close to what's already been written.

Expat No. 3699 said...

cuz'n carol:
Ah yeah, don't take up space on my blog...put it in your own!!!

Honeybell said...

This is now my favorite first date story!

Anonymous said...

Now that brought the biggest smile to my face. What a lovely romantic story. Thanks for sharing that with us!!

Wait. What? said...

how absolutely wonderful!!