Monday, August 11, 2008

Introduction to and Exploitation of my Grandchildren...

While my grandchildren were visiting over the weekend we decided to check out the web cam on my laptop. What better subjects than two cute kids with no inhibitions? To follow are two videos of my grandchildren for my...uh, I mean your viewing pleasure.

Introducing the princess...

And this is the Rock Star...

I may be biased when I say my grandkids are cute...but I think all kids are cute and funny and have their own personalities. Yeah for children and the ongoing entertainment they provide. Who needs HBO?


Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! It always cracks me up how Princess looks just like her mother! And those Konas cheeks! LOL!

Thanks for my Monday morning smile!!!


Unknown said...

Cute kids. Take after Grandma.

Badass Geek said...

It is your undeniable right to exploit your grandchildren. It is a privaledge given to you for your history of child-bearing and motherhood.

Whitney said...

hahaha, so much fun! And super cute.

Anonymous said...

OMG...when she busted into Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I lost it.

She is soooooooooooo super adorable.

Now I have to go back and watch the 2nd video

Anonymous said...

Okay that's it. You win hands down, these are two of the cutest kids ever.

Playing the guitar and skateboarding! I cant.... tooo cute.

Megan said...

I agree, you have the cutest grandkids! (And one day when I have mine, I will have to take back this statement--but that wont be for a longggg time!) Glad you enjoyed your time :)

Anonymous said...

these videos are precious! your grandkids are absolutely adorable. thanks for sharing!

Pleasant Living said...


Mental P Mama said...


Eva said...

oh MAN that is cute! i love how princess is constantly adjusting/fiddling with her princess dress straps. and her song choice is a safe one, but well executed! ;) Mr. Rock-n-Roll cracked me up when he lifted his shirt to the camera as if to hit it home that he was into skateboarding. If they were mine, I would nibble on their cheeks a lot.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous kids. I would be as proud as punch!

Lisa said...

That is so cute, both of the videos. but I have to tell you I did not catch the name of his band! And was he making any of that up as he went? He is too cute and so grown up acting. It has been very nice meeting you today and seeing a little of your family. I will go back to playing on my computer because I am RETIRED you know! bye