Monday, September 22, 2008

A Conversation with My Better Half...

The last two weeks My Better Half and I have spent almost zero one on one time together. He was out of town for a week on business. The day he came home I left for Girls’ Weekend, straight from work at 2:00 and he got home from the airport at about 5:00. When I returned on Sunday I was tired. He left the next day, quite early in the morning, for San Diego. This past Friday we both pulled in the driveway within minutes of each other. Though we have been together the last three days, we have had company All Weekend. We babysat the grandkids and had both family and friends for dinner both Saturday and yesterday. So when we finally had a moment alone last night he told me we needed to talk.

Me: “What’s up?”

Him: “I’ve got something I need to tell you.”

Me: “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Him: “I’m sick.”

Me: “What do you mean you’re sick? What is it? Have you been to see a doctor?”

Him: “No, I haven’t been to see a doctor, but it’s something serious.”

Me: “How do you know it’s something serious if you haven’t been to the doctor?”

Him: “Because it’s something I’ve suffered from before. It’s a rare Hawaiian disease.”

Me: “You’ve never even been to Hawaii. How can you have a disease from there?”

Him: “I can and I do. It’s called Laka-Nookie.”


Anonymous said...

HAHA thats funny!

Megan said...

hahahaha... I need to use that one!!

Anonymous said...

So did ya have some "bizness time?" That video is a scream!

Anonymous said...

Good one. You had me going there for a moment. I was beginning to think it was going to be some bad news. LOL. Love those cutie Kiwi guys. They are hilarious!

Anonymous said...

that's funny! hope you guys get to spend some time together soon.

Anonymous said...

That disease is easily cured.

Badass Geek said...

Perfect! I'm using that one with The Boss tonight.

Anonymous said...

Aw! LOL.

You two are adorable together.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh! That was to funny...

Whitney said...

Tee Hee! Hope you get some good quality alone time in soon!

Crystal said...

Hahaha I love that video! Funny stuff.
Flight of the Conchords is a funny show (in a weird sort of way), do you watch it?

Michele said...

That's too funny...I just choked on my soda. I love it!


Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

lol, did you tell him there was no cure J/K!!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

I think he's been to the island of "ComeOnIWannaLay'U." Really.

RiverPoet said...

HAHAHA! I'm suffering from that, too. It's my own darned fault for getting older!


enthalpymama said...

Oooo, that IS serious. Better take care of that right away.

Unknown said...

And the cure is uttering the ancient witch doctor's phrase, three times over:"HowIwannalayya"

Unknown said...

p.s. I am leaving something for you in my Tuesday post.

Unknown said...

soooooooooooooooo funny!