What can I say about Selma? She is a gifted writer and you witness this with every post. Whether she relays something personal or posts a short story, her talent shines through. Her short stories pull you in, leaving you wanting more.
She also has a new writing prompts blog called Search Engine Stories , so check this out too.
Tell her Linda said ‘hello’ and let me know what you think.
Random Memo…well, not really random. I am having my first contest next week and the prize is this:

A digital photo keychain that holds up to 60 pictures. It includes a USB cable, a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and file transfer software that works with Macintosh OS X and Windows 2000 or newer operating systems (I sound so techno-savvy, don’t I? Clue: I copied that off the package).
Now in order to participate you will NOT have to name a photo or answer a trivia question; you will simply need to leave me comments. How easy is that? I guess it’s not really a ‘contest’ at all…but there is a prize.
Comments left on posts between Monday, September 8th and Friday, September 12th are eligible. A day of the week (Monday – Friday) will be randomly chosen; from there a comment will be randomly chosen, thus a winner!
I will use a number generator if I have time to figure it out…who am I kidding, I’ll probably just throw the days of the week into a hat and pull them out, then do the same with the number of comments. Anyhoo, I’ll name the winner on Monday, September 15th. Good luck!
Now go check out Selma.
Linda, you are very kind to do this. I'd better go and write a worthwhile post now instead of the rubbish I was going to write. Thank you, my friend. XXX
Giveaways are always fun! I need to do one. :0)
Oooo, a giveaway. I like giveaways. Lady Language has then all the time - problem is I don't fit in most women's fashion items.
i am so excited about the giveaway! i thought i would start practicing now and comment :) lol
awesome! I hope I win! :0)
Linda, I read your blogs all the time but I hate to post I guess I'll have to get with it next week Nice prize You are a SWEETIE
We are planning a trip to Disneyworld in November, and that will be about the same time as my blogaversary and I am hoping to find something to give away when we go. And probably something better than like a napkin with Disneyworld emblazoned on it, which will be what I resort ot if I fail on my mission to find something spectacular.
Uh-oh, my post for tomorrow has a 'name the photo' contest. Oh how I wish I had consulted you first!
I too would love to meet Selma some day. And it's not even because she lives in such a cool place. I'd gladly meet her in the middle of the Nevada or Arizona desert just to prove that.
Thanks for the intro to SELMA~ such a good service! I'll be back next week...must be my competitive spirit!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Selma amazes me with EVERY SINGLE POST she writes. I found her a year ago and never miss a new post.
And, She has become one of my real FRIENDS. She rocks!
I went down undah to visit Selma! she's lovely. I read about her high school bad-boy boyfriend. I like her already! Even though she didn't get the bad-girl image she was hoping for, it was a fantastic post. :)
Yes, I've been reading Selma in the City for a while. She's a real writer, that's for sure. She blows away that other "in the city" thing.
Going to check her out right now! Thanks!
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