Thursday, September 25, 2008

This Post Has No Title...

This post has no title because I’m being quite indecisive and everything I’m coming up with is way tooooo looong. For example:

My Better Half is a Well Moderately Paid Tourist…

While I work as an Office Slave All Week and Get Stuck Taking Out the Garbage on Tuesday Night, My Better Half Gets to Travel and Have Fun…

My Better Half’s Other ‘Other Half’…

My Better Half Gets to Travel and All I Get is This Lousy Apron.

As you may or may not already know, My Better Half travels at least 50% of the time for his job. While I await his return all by my lonesome, he has his new lady with him. That would be his Nikon D300. Yes, just as I feel left behind, so does his old D70, which he has passed onto me. As the two of us try to form a bond, her feeling left behind for a newer model, and me, feeling left behind to hold down the fort while he gallivants across the country; he is frolicking about the good ole U. S. of A.

Yes, he is working while he is gone, but he is also consuming delicious ‘company paid for’ meals while I have at a bowl of cereal or a micro waved baked potato. While I peruse the blogging community (a/k/a virtual reality), he is living it and recording it via his photographs. Upon each of his returns he shares his journey, and I thought it would be nice to share it with you.

Last week he was in Southern California, and he agreed to let me post some pictures; however, we disagreed as to which ones. We finally came to a truce and decided I would pick five photos I wanted to share and he would pick five.

So here we have the five I chose. I picked these because they show things you (meaning I) don’t see everyday. Things that if you saw them in passing you would think, “I wish I had a camera.” Here are my five choices:

“Well as the Random Memo’s Better Half, I have to say she is right that I have a love affair with my camera. I am so lucky to have an understanding wife that encourages my hobby/future retirement fund. She asked me if I would post some pictures from San Diego since I spent the last week there, so I sorted through some pictures from recent trips to Southern California. When she got home I showed her 15 of my favorites that I thought for sure she would end up posting. Then for kicks, I showed her some point and shoot pictures taken while walking around. While some caught my attention, others just made me laugh. Well you see what happened. Anyway, here are my top five. I hope you enjoy!”

What are your favorite kinds of pictures to take or view?


Badass Geek said...

I'm officially jealous. I want the Nikon your husband has.

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I would be feeling the same way! My hubby went to Puerto Rico once on a business trip and I was SO jealous!!!

I love all tpyes of pics for different reason. I love candid shots because they are fun and catch people in the moment, I love goofy pics because they make me laugh, I love serious pics because they are formal and special... etc etc....

Anonymous said...

Those photos are magnificent. Can you do a post about the storyteller? Does he tell stories for money? I am so intrigued by him. However, I loved every shot!

RiverPoet said...

The pictures are fantastic! I have to send the Star Trike one to my hubby!

Peace - D

Mental P Mama said...

I have some serious camera envy.

Anonymous said...

The only picture taken with the D300 is the very last one. All others are with the D70. Both are great cameras.

The D300 is one heck of a camera. I just lucky my wife started blogging and wanted her own camera. That's what allowed me to upgrade. Thanks Honey!

Unknown said...

I just saw a comment you left and I had to come say hi : ). I love your husbands pictures. I am sorry that you can't travel all the time too. I am VERY sorry that you have to eat cereal for supper. I hope something very exciting and wonderful happens to you today while you are pushing paper in the office : )!

Whitney said...

Here's the thing. You need to quit your job and travel with the husby. Yup. I said it. That's what you should do! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos Hubby! I too am intrigued by the storyteller. You need to tell us more about him. Some day I'd like to see more landscape photos as well. I may be interested in purchasing a few. Is there a site where you have a bunch posted?

Jenny Grace said...

Aside from some serious camera envy, my favorite pictures are ones of my friends and family, and, barring that, I love nature pics.

Unknown said...

Okay, when are going to do coffee? And ALL of the pictures are fab, BTW. Oh, and I'll bring along my Canon 30D, just for grins.

Megan said...

Amazing photos. I have to say I loveeee the bottom five. :) Why don't you just tell your boss you aren't going to work anymore, and go with your better half and enjoy all of the places he gets to go!

Megan said...

I totally laughed out loud when I read your comment!! And I do empty the bladder before/after. And I WISH I was having "too much" but sadly because of all of these issues, I haven't!! Maybe THAT'S the problem!! ;)

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Awesome pictures! I want to know who belongs to the Enterprise trike. Gotta get one of those for myself.

I enjoy taking close-up plant/nature pics and B&W pics of buildings with shadow and light play.

Thanks for sharing, guys!

Lola said...

Awesome photos! I love the Story Teller. My favorite shots are candids and nature at its finest.

Weeksie50 said...

I love and want your husbands camera in the worst way..

I love photos of my family and friends.. I love pictures of storm clouds..and sunsets..I love anything that honestly captures the beauty of the moment..

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, can I become another "other lady" for your husband? I will even do his laundry if I could go and just learn from him on taking those pictures. Man that is some awesome photography there. Ok, what is his profession in detail please. (if you can share that!)

Anonymous said...

wow, great pictures. LOVE the story teller! Pictures of places I've never been, like San Diego, remind me of how big the world is and how different places are from where I live. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

My favorite pictures, you ask?

Naked pictures.

There - I said it.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. These ARE amazing photos.

I never leave my house without my camera strapped to my inner thigh ready for almost anything....but, I've never had the pleasure of seeing or taking any cool pictures like these!