Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't You Hate It When Your Kids Give You Crap?

Okay, I haven’t been posting like I used to. I haven’t done the usual Monday through Friday posts since the beginning of this month. Life interrupted, what can I say?

Now, I have a non-blogging person giving me crap about it and that person would be my son. He doesn’t read any blogs. None. Not even mine. I think the reason he is on my ass is that he’s unable to tease me when I shoo him away with a, “I can’t talk right now I’m writing a post.” or “Be quiet, or I’ll lose my train of thought.”

He has been unable to taunt me as he has over the past few months with stuff like this…

Kenny Bloggins

Bilbo Bloggins

The Big Blogowski

Blogs Bunny

Looking over my shoulder, “Is that the postest with the mostest?”

“Hey mom, remember when I was little and played with Lincoln Logs? Well, you’re Linkin’ Blogs.”

“Whoa, oh. Look at her type. Oh no, go go, Blogzilla”

Simon and Blogfunkel…”Here’s to you, Mrs. Bloggingston” or this week’s recipe calls for: Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.

I’ve felt bad enough about not keeping it up and now I have him to deal with. Years ago I would ask him if his homework was done. Now he’s asking me if I wrote my post.

Oh, and let’s not forget “The Log Song” from Ren and Stimpy…

…It's Blog, Blog, it's better than bad, it's good!
Everyone wants a Blog! You're gonna love it, Blog!
Come on and get your blog! Everyone needs a Blog!"


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I think I love your son. I mean, not the part about you getting the crap but wow, he's very creative!

My husband is the same way....

I am still laughing at The Big Blogowski!

Anonymous said...

Your son has a wicked sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

He forgot Dr. Frankenblog. LOL. He has a great sense of humour just like his Mum. Being a Lord of The Rings fan I like Bilbo Bloggins!

Megan said...

My favorite is the Big Blogowski!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Ren & Stimpy and the Log Song are favorites in our house. Thanks for giving me a song to sing OVER AND OVER today!

Hallie :)

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad he moved back in so he can give you crap? Love the Log Song!

Michele said...

Oh my God...that is tooo funny! How old is your son? What a riot!


Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

OK. I've got to meet this kid. He sounds like a freak! And I lurvs me sum fuh-reaks! :)

Michael C said...

Something tells me I could get along very well with you son!

I'd offer up "bloggers do it in a comment box," but only because my ton of meds keeps me from thinking of anything better ;-)

Lisa said...

That is just too stinkin' funny!!!
I actually laughed at it and smiled. Pretty good for the mood I have been in lately. Thanks for the humor!

Lola said...

Your son is hysterical! I wonder where he gets it ;) I'll have to reread this when I'm not out of my mind tired and decide just which name I want to steal...

Anonymous said...

Thos are creative puns! Your son has a great sense of humor! Did he get that from you?