Here’s my daughter.

She was…Hatchet Face from the movie ‘Cry Baby’ with Johnny Depp.

Now, because this $25.00 Target gift card is burning a hole in my panties (which My Better Half is threatening PhotoShop off of me) and in honor of this being my 100th post (Yes, this is my 100th post), here is another chance for someone to win.
Note: Family and friends (not to imply that you are not all my friends) are not eligible.
To follow are ten questions. The answers are all in past posts. The first person to get the most correct by Thursday, November 6th, will win. The cut off time will be at 6:00 p.m.
Here goes…
1. What did my brother and I nick-name asparagus as kids?
2. What did I do with the $500.00 I found?
3. Why do I call my daughter “Fraughter’?
4. What is my baby hooked on?
5. What practical joke did I play on my daughter?
6. A story relayed by my mother is that when I was four I asked her where ladies got their money from. She told me it was usually from their husband. What was my response?
7. Where did my husband and I have our first ‘date’?
8. What was the first concert I ever saw?
9. What rare Hawaiian disease did My Better Half claim to have?
10. On a recent trip to Seattle I ‘somehow’ ended up with what in my suitcase?
Good luck to all.
AHHHHHH!! I want the gift card!! I knew most of all of these!! woohooo!!! LOVED doing this!!
1. What did my brother and I nick-name asparagus as kids? Spare-gas
2. What did I do with the $500.00 I found? Box spring & mattress
3. Why do I call my daughter “Fraughter’? She is your friend, your daughter—aka fraughter
4. What is my baby hooked on? Your dog is hooked on grass, your husband on photography, specifically getting the perfect shot.
5. What practical joke did I play on my daughter? You made a fake myspace.
6. A story relayed by my mother is that when I was four I asked her where ladies got their money from. She told me it was usually from their husband. What was my response? Have lots of husbands and you’ll have lots of money
7. Where did my husband and I have our first ‘date’? It wasn’t supposed to be a first date but you guys went to a restaurant/comedy show & that was also your first kiss.
8. What was the first concert I ever saw? K.I.S.S.
9. What rare Hawaiian disease did My Better Half claim to have? Lacka-Nookie
10. On a recent trip to Seattle I ‘somehow’ ended up with what in my suitcase? The Egyptian Cotton Robe.
Also, she did a GREAT job on that costume! But I never would have guessed it. SOO glad you gave us another chance..and I am 99% sure I got all of them right!!
Megan wins. Wow, I am impressed. Your daughter looked fantastic. I am impressed by anyone who can do that with their mouth and eyebrows. Congrats on your 100th post. I hope there are many, many more!
Oh my gosh, I just did a test question for my one year anniversary, and I thought I was being so clever..being the first to do a BEAT me to it. Darn it!
Did I win!?!?! :) :) :)
Megan got 'em all. All I could remember off the top of my head was Lacka nookie and the robe.
I have never seen that movie, so no wonder it didn't even look familiar. LOL Maybe if she had dressed as Johnny Depp instead...
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