Friday, December 5, 2008

Excuses, excuses...

I haven’t been hanging around the blogosphere lately, I haven’t been posting and I haven’t been reading. You could say I’ve been a bad, bad girl; but that just wouldn’t be true. Had I been a bad girl I would have had something interesting to post. Alas, I have just been busy…and sick.

I had swollen glands a few weeks ago and when it moved north to my ears, I called the doctor. After taking Zithromax for five days I started to feel a little better; then the ‘busy’ set in. The combination of work, the holiday and my mother-in-law being in town (i.e. too much fun and too much drinking) have taken their toll. One would think that the disinfecting qualities found in alcohol would help fight off whatever was ailing me. I mean, damn, they use it in hand sanitizers. But that was not the case; I still have swollen glands and now my chest feels heavy. ‘Big sigh’…wait, ouch that hurts. So I made another visit to my GP today and in addition to getting another prescription for an antibiotic, I now have one for an inhaler.

Being sick and feeling like crap means I’ll miss spending the day tomorrow with my MIL and SIL. I put in for the day off of work weeks ago but I’m afraid if I don’t rest up I’ll never get rid of this. So instead of going out and having fun I’m throwing myself a little pity party. You’re all invited. I’ll be serving chicken soup with saltine crackers and lots of hot tea with honey. There’ll be party hats left over from last New Year’s Eve party, however there won’t be any of those noise makers…just an inhaler. And wear your comfy jammies and warm fuzzy socks, because I know I will.


Megan said...

I love pity parties! :) I hope you feel better Linda!! Rest up!

Anonymous said...

I'll be happy to join you, sounds exactly like the type of party I need. I'll bring the Vitamin C and hot water bottles. Hope you feel better soon. XXX

RiverPoet said...

Oh, feel better soon, my bloggy friend. Everyone I know is sick with some creeping crud right now. My son and friend have the flu. My best friend has had various illnesses going on for 3 months, and several women friends of mine at church are sick. Whatever is going around right now is gnarly.

Drink lots of fluids and if you have cake at your party, invite me! :-)

Peace - D

Mrs Anne said...

{{{{big GET WELL wishes}}}} sent to you!!!

Please take good care of yourself!


Mrs Anne said...

{{{{big GET WELL wishes}}}} sent to you!!!

Please take good care of yourself!


Skeeter said...

Hi ya L!

Hope your glands shrink or at least un-swell and you get to feeling better soon.

Best wishes,


Badass Geek said...

Chicken soup sounds fantastic. I'll be over soon.

Unknown said...

Oh, man, I'm sorry to hear all of that. I KNEW you were busy - and I WAS getting tired of seeing my face every time I checked in here - so I'm glad to see at least that's taken care of - but get better, you. We gotta have coffee again. Only this time it's on me - and you get to pick the place.

Jenny Grace said...

Glad to see you checking in, hope very much that you feel better, and real life is (sometimes) allowed to take you away from the internet. Just saying.

Heather said...

I'm wearing my fuzzy socks right now just for you. No need to pity yourself, we all have some for you right here! Feel better soon.

Lisa said...

Well that really sucks...sorry you are not feeling well, and really sorry you have been away from the computer for so long. But honestly, I will skip your pitty party, for I don't want your germs!! Sorry, no offense.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love me a good pity party with jammies and fuzzie socks!

Feel better soon.Ive been fighting off a nasty bug myself.

Anonymous said...

Oh a pity party! I'll bring my newly de-bone-spured heel with its cast and my brand spankin' new aluminum crutches. And my comfy penguin jammies. I've got percocet, too...
My fuzzy socks need grippers on the bottom so I won't slip on the crutches.
Add lots of garlic to the chicken soup...that helps, too.
And feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Getting sick sucks. I think alcohol can help prevent getting stuff to begin with, but once you've got it, it probably doesn't help. Nice thought, though.