Okay, I have my winners! The first place winner emailed me her pictures just two hours after the contest started. She is my non-blogging friend, Marie. She had to get creative with Category 2 as she was unable to drive due to an angiogram she had done a few days earlier. Here are her entries (with some comments from the peanut gallery).

Marie, I can tell you were taking this seriously by the time stamp at the bottom of the screen, 6:10 p.m.;’mere minutes after reading the categories.

Of course you have a green crayon, you have small children.

Oh my, look at this. I see safety is a priority in your home, what with that smoke detector and those outlet covers…not installed. And that remote; isn’t that the one for the TV you got rid of three years ago? And aren’t you glad you spent money on that nutcracker toward the front of the drawer seeing it hasn’t even been opened…and there’s another one sticking out behind it?

Yes, your initials and your birthdate.


What neighborhood does your son park his cars in? They took the tires but actually left the rims.
Now Marie was actually able to get out of the house yesterday and even though she had already won she decided to keep going…

I know you had to explain to your ‘ride’ why you were taking a picture of a grocery cart, but it would have been funnier if you had filled it with alcohol and condoms first, just sayin’.

They actually have their own post office in that small town you live in?

Little GTO, you're really lookin' fine
Three deuces and a four-speed and a 389
Listen to her tachin' up now, listen to her why-ee-eye-ine
C'mon and turn it on, wind it up, blow it out GTO…

Hay, Naaaaaay-bor.
Okay, that’s enough for this post. I’ll have the second place winner, who sent me her pictures late last night, tomorrow with all of her entries.
Yep. I'm a bad blogger. I so could have taken this contest, hands down, if I would have ACTUALLY READ ANY BLOGS LAST WEEK!!!! *Pant, pant*
OK. Back to my regularly scheduled insanity. :)
Man. You know as SOON as I said I was going to take all of these, I got slammed with things to do. ::sigh:: maybe next time!!
I feel bad I didn't participate. But way to go, Marie. You nailed it!
I didn't even get a chance to break out my camera for this.
Great pictures! How fun. I realized this morning I was at a disadvantage because I can't drive, so I gave up. But maybe you should have us all send you our junk drawers and you could give a commentary on what you think we are like! :-)
I have no excuse.
I have no excuse either; although, I believe she had won a day before I even read the post.
Congrats to your friend!
whooo hooooo congrats!
Sorry I did not participate. I was and still AM sidetracked by a Readers Digest Writing Competition.
Thanks for your congrats!!! I was determined after being in the hospital for a little fun!!!
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