It all started last June when I just had to have this little guy:

A couple of months later when he settled in he developed a bad habit. If you don’t know what I’m referring to you can read about it here. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Uhm, yeah, we should have put him into rehab last summer because now my lawn looks like this:

So now as others are appreciating these April showers in hopes of May flowers I am looking forward to the dog days of summer. Not only have I been cleaning his paws on a daily basis but his mud splattered legs and belly. This would be fine until you get to the fact that we haven’t taken him in for the ole ‘snip snip’ yet. I refuse to wipe down his ‘package’; therefore he’s been getting quite a few baths lately.

Now at first glance it may look like he’s not enjoying it but he is.

Not only is he playing in the mud, I think he’s playing us.

He's adorable but go get the snip snip and be done with it. He'll calm down some too. Don't you just love dogs? Our two have pockmarked (or should I say pottymarked) our front yard liberally. I'm hoping it counts as fertilizer.
hehe..boy has he grown in a year! So cute.. There's no telling what our dog will get into when she's not on a leash when we get a house..
oooo. snip, snip. I don't even want to think about it. Poor guy.
I feel your pain. When we got our Doberman the yard was pristine. Fast forward to today...we've had two solid days of rain and the backyard is a mud pit. Cleaning that dog's feet is the worst. Somehow I still end up with mud in the house.
Love the pics. Certainly easy to see who's in charge!!
Hallie :)
You, like other dog lovers, are a mystery to me. But you seem to love him...
He's adorable!!!
Off with his balls! Sadly, that probably won't correct his habit since it's gone on so long, but at least you can laugh in his face when he's licking his phantom sac ;)
Oh, yeah, and he's a very cute yard wrecker.
I know exactly what you're saying, but I have a hard time sympathizing. You see, I have SIX little demons (actually, 4 of them are not so little) and ZERO grass! And oh yeah, several carefully placed holes where the puppy digs, and digs, and digs! I swear, some of them are deep enough to snap the leg of a strong man. Last year, we just bought eight bales of straw and covered the whole yard until the grass finally popped up around July or August. I would post a picture, but it's just TOO embarrassing. And oh yeah, it's been raining for a week here !!!
But your baby is adorable - who needs grass anyway . . .
Look at that face. Oh, I would be hopeless. I'd let him do whatever he wanted. Oh, the cute wittle snookums! You are so cute and swooshy and just pwane adowable. I am pathetic with dogs. I lose the ability to talk in a normal way. LOL.
That's one of the reasons why I'm hesitant about getting a dog. Just got some nice grass and a dog would just muck that all up.
Yours looks like such a sweetie, though!
He's absolutely GORGEOUS!!! If you ever decide you no longer want him tearing apart your yard, send him to Nova Scotia.
I've given up on ever having 'nice' grass, so he'll get along with my back yard just fine ;-)
I am not a dog person---but I love your dog. His face is adorable and I want to squeeze him and love him forever and ever!!! :)
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