Last week Kat from 3 Bedroom Bungalow did her first official Random Tuesday post. She’s participating in what Keely over at The Un Mom has going on each week and I thought I’d be a Kopy Kat and join in.
So here goes, some random crap from The Random Memorandum…
Why will Allstate pay to repair the hail damage on my roof, but not on my ass and thighs?
Why is it that whenever you buy wrapping paper you go home to find you have plenty; but when you think you have an abundance you have none?
Why is the boss always there when you show up to work a few minutes late, but they’re never around to see you get in early or work through lunch?
Why do kids interrupt you when you’re on the phone, but their agendas can’t be interrupted to call you and check in?
Why is the weather nice when you’re at work and not on the weekend?
Lastly, why don’t people use Spellcheck?

so with you on that wrapping paper thing!!!
That license plate is hilarious!
Ugh. I don't like major misspellings of words. It drives me crayzee.
I think it was on purpose. Like GREAT was already taken.
OK so funny thing...the other weekend we had birthdays to go to and I totally thought I had wrapping paper...yeah not so much, so I ended up throwing LaLa into the car and hauling bootay to the BX to get a giftbag and card (on the way to the party). I am the most prepared mom EVER!
Oh geez! I just had the wrapping paper/gift bag thing happen to me last week. So frustrating. I had to run and make an emergency trip to buy more.
ROFL at the license plate!
The wrapping paper scenario always happens to me. Always. Why am I so disorganised?
Very funny post. LOL.
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