Monday, June 15, 2009

And The Goodies Go To...

A few days ago marked my One Year Blogiversary. It was quite the Par-tay, let me tell you. There was Chicago style deep dish pizza and beer. The music was pumping and the stereo was turned up to eleven. Yes quite the party indeed…did I mention it was a party of one? Hey, don’t judge, because I’m pretty sure there are quite a few bloggers out there that celebrate these milestones on their own. What I mean is you feel the love from your readers, but in the real world you’re more likely to get, “Wha? Uh that’s great.” or “Oh yeah, I forgot you do that blogging thing.” So yes, it was me and some beer and my laptop that evening.

You may recall I had a Give-A-Way going on that day and I was supposed to post the winner this morning. Seeing that a few of you were checking in periodically, I apologize. Now, without further delay, the winning comment number:

The third comment was from Selma of Selma in the City. Selma, send me an email with your mailing information; in the meantime I’ll be calculating postage from here to Sydney Australia.


Skeeter said...

Nicely done! Happy One Year Blogiversary.

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I won. This never happens to me. WOW. Thank you!

I feel bad about you having to fork out all that postage to Oz. If the cost is prohibitive I don't mind if you choose another winner.

I WON. I WON. I WON. Yeeeehaaaa!!!

Mental P Mama said...

Lucky Selma!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with partying by yourself! No matter how loud the stereo goes!
congrats to Selma!

meleah rebeccah said...

Yippppppppppppeeeeeeeeeee! Im so excited for Selma!!!!

Lola said...

Yay, Selma!!!