Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...


Anonymous said...

That is a lovely shot. You are very photogenic!

Gin said...

Gerber Daisies! My favorite. Great pic.

Cindy said...

Wondering what you're saying with your eyes. To me, it's "what"? Only said real slow.

Momisodes said...

Aw, who could say no to such a sweet, pretty face?

Kat said...

I love Gerber Daisies!!

Mental P Mama said...

You crack me up;) In a wonderful way...

Wait. What? said...

You must know how absolutely adorable you are right?!

Kim's Korner said...

The flower IS definitely beautiful.

And yes, you ARE absolutely adorable.

But that look? N-uh uh.

That's a 'Hon, I just broke something really important to you' look.

And those spaghetti straps? THEY'RE sayin' 'Now get your butt over here and let me help you forget ALLLL about it!'


Skeeter said...

That's a great image. Those daises are super flowers. They last a long time and smell so good. You're cute too dear.

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

Oh I love Gerbera Daisies! Oh yea and that woman behind it? She's smokin' and blonds are not usually my thing... ;-)

Lola said...

My favorite flower! I've got a bunch of red ones out back this year.

Oh, and you look great, too ;)

Unknown said...

The first time I ever came here I came because the picture in your little profile box reminds me of how my best friend susannah looks.

You don't look like her here. Very pretty though :)

meleah rebeccah said...

what a beautiful photo!

Organic Meatbag said...

Flowers are fun to eat or display through face holes!