Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Caption This...

Again, in lieu of Wordless Wednesday, here is another photo for you to put your caption to.

Some of the suggestions from last week’s photo:


Anonymous said...

"My other car is a shoe"

Wait. What? said...

Not cheaper by the dozen

Badass Geek said...


Evansmom said...

Vehicle seen parked outside of the mental institution.

Evansmom said...

Vehicle seen parked outside of the mental institution.

Gin said...

Seen driving off the nearest cliff...

Reinvent Dad said...

Fertile Mertle

Annie Oakley said...

Thelma wuz here! Have a great day!

meleah rebeccah said...

Muttini was GREAT!

Wine and Words said...

"Will work for condoms"

Jeeze! Kill me now.

Captain Dumbass said...

Get one of them to wash your damn truck!

Unknown said...

This vehicle was seen leaving the scene after the attempted vandalizing of the Abortion Clinic.

Lola said...

"My uterus fell out about three miles back. You didn't run it over, did you?"

Nej said...

"Octo-mom, eat your heart out!"

@ Moonspun - LOVE your caption!!!