Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gone Fishing...

I just got home from BlogHer a few days ago and now I’ll be leaving for Girls’ Weekend tomorrow. I haven’t even fully unpacked and here I am off again. Of course the wardrobe for this weekend will be quite different; especially since there’s a rumor that we are going fishing on my BFF’s pontoon boat. Yeah, you read that correctly. Fishing. Apparently gone are the days when Girls’ Weekend meant doing, ya know, girly things like shopping and gossiping and having liquid lunches that end up with someone getting a tattoo.

The months leading up to BlogHer really had me worked up. I didn’t really ‘know’ anyone before hand. I resigned myself to being okay with the fact that I might be the wall flower, the foreigner, the one looking in from the outside. Amazingly I wasn’t. At. All.

That being said, Girls’ Weekend is something we’ve been doing for years. It is a time to let loose and have fun with people I know. It’s ironic that after my anxiety leading up to and my ultimate experience with BlogHer that I will be the outsider, for a bit, this weekend. I’ll be the only one not fishing and will most likely become the Keeper of the Cooler; which pretty much amounts to, “Yo, bitch, hand me another beer!”

It doesn’t really matter because all their tall tales and stories of the one that got away will eventually be followed up by me telling them they’re nothing but a bunch of master-baiters.


Gin said...

Master-baiters...ha, ha! Have fun fishing! I'd rather be shopping!

Badass Geek said...

I haven't been fishing in a while... maybe I'll do that this weekend.

Organic Meatbag said...

I would never be so rude...I would eloquently state "Pardon me, Madam... would you be as kind as to relinquish a goblet of ale to me? Forgive me if I am not worthy of this request!"

Cindy said...

Uh huh, that's where you'd find me...hostessing the cooler.
and, "master-baiter"! hahaha!
I LOVE girls weekend. I'm the chick who routinely opens up her deck to girlfriends and their bottle of wine.

glnroz said...

Just the laugh I needed this morning. May I come back again sometimes, because it seems like "you aint got no sense",, lolol(good thing)

glnroz said...

Just the laugh I needed this morning. May I come back again sometimes, because it seems like "you aint got no sense",, lolol(good thing)

The Peach Tart said...

Oh how I wish I could come. I need a good girls weekend. Well not good girls I guess:)

BBF said...

Linda, Linda, Linda I almost pissed myself..master-baiters too funny..And yes you is the Keeper of the coller and we love you for that.

BFF said...

Cooler, opps

Wine and Words said...

I'm going on a girl weekend too. Let's compare notes upon return. Have a great time!

Jenny Grace said...

I LOVED seeing you!

Momisodes said...

LOL! Sounds like it will be another great time.

Evansmom said...

LOL - I love the idea of a Girls' Weekend. I think I may just propose that to my friends tonight.

The Master-Baiters made me laugh,

Enjoy your weekend!

Aunt Juicebox said...

I think you posted pictures of the last one. Have a good time!

Nej said...

Cooler Master...Master of all things Cool....The Cooler B*tch....

All titles to be worn with pride. :-) :-)

Mental P Mama said...

I hope you are bringing your camera;) Have a wonderful time!

Lola said...

Oh, come on, be a sport! Fishing is really fun as long as you don't have to touch the worms or the fish. Just try not to hook any of the ladies!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

"Yo! Bitch! Hand me another beer!"

Hee hee!

Just kidding, darlin', and hope you've had a great time!

Kim's Korner said...

Hope you had a great time on your Girls weekend!

And ya know, it could be worse, it could have been 'Yo Bitch! Hand me another of those slimy worms!' ;-p

Master-baiters LMAO! That was a 'coffee, meet my monitor' moment ;-)

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

You crack me up!!

Thanks for the nice comment today. You always make me smile. :)
