Did. Not. Happen.
I did however amuse myself in my state of panic last night by singing the jingle from the old Heinz ketchup commercial and replacing ‘anticipation’ with ‘procrastination’.
Be that as it may I spent most of Saturday baking enough loaves of zucchini bread to feed a small nation That was followed up with a batch of fried zucchini with dinner.
We have only three zucchini plants in our garden but this is what they look like now.

I seriously fear that zucchini will be dominating my life for the next few months. As much as I love eating it, how many recipes are there and more importantly what would a Zucchini Martini taste like?
Come Sunday, I should have been scratching things off my ‘to do’ list. Instead I visited with my dad for awhile and made chalupas with shredded pork to bring to ‘Girls Weekend’, which takes place the weekend after BlogHer. Though I froze most of the goodies I let my husband sample some:

I know I’ve been really bad the last week or so about commenting on your posts and I apologize. I’ve been trying to keep up on the 50 plus blogs in my reader, whilst freaking about BlogHer and dealing with real life. I promise I’ll get back on tract in the next two weeks. I plan on posting ‘Caption This’ tomorrow, but that’ll be it until next week.
Until then I have this video for anyone traveling to BlogHer or taking a vacation in the near future. I hope you get someone like this on your flight.
Oh my god, those plants are huge!
And that video is freakin' hilarious! What a great guy.
Can't wait to hear about blogher!
I hope that when I finally go on a flight somewhere, I get that guy on my plane. That would make me less likely to pass out from anxiety.
Can't see the video!! :(
Wish I had some zucchini bread!! Sounds amazing.
My parents use to grow zucchini in our garden when I was growing up. I had zucchini coming out of my eyeballs by the time the season was over.
Do a google search for chocolate zucchini cake - very very yummy. Makes me appreciate zucchini!
The food for girls weekend look great. Nice of you to share with hubby.
Now I want to fly!!!
Dude. You're awesome. I freaking am salivating everywhere now. Pack me some delicious treats for BlogHer?
Hehehe! I think I might have to drag him into the bathroom for a different kind of rapping if he was on my plane ;)
That's some nice procrastinatin' you got going on there.
He's right .. you're not gonna get that on United. Gar - un - teed.
OK. Glad to know I'm not the only person going catatonic over BlogHer. :) We can huddle in a corner together and freebase zucchini bread!
And I'll probably get a Delta flight attendant with a ruler, smacking hands and putting passengers in the corner.
Wow. I have never seen such large zucchini plants!
The food pic is making me hungry!!! Looks delish. :-)
Your zucchini martini thought reminded me of Bubba and his shrimp from Forrest Gump.
"You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.
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