Tuesday, July 28, 2009


If I had only one word to describe BlogHer it would be

I know. I am not a big proponent of the term either but there it is. After months of anticipating this event, feeling both inadequate and fearful; I actually felt the ‘Squee’!

Last Thursday morning while waiting until it was time to pick up my roomie, Heather from the airport, I paced to the point of needing new carpet in my family room. (“Damn honey, I’m sorry. But so you know, we’ll probably have to get new furniture to match.”)

It was finally time to go and my stomach was doing flip flops that would put any Olympic gymnast to shame. (Would she like me? How will I find her?)

Well, of course she would find me with the sign, but would she like me?

And then I saw her and I “Squee’d”, but I realized it wasn’t just me. It was in stereo.

I did the whole ‘Squee’ thing again and again while meeting quite a few more bloggers in person but did not embarrass myself until the last day.

My whole conservatism and non idolism met its match when I ran into Ree of The Pioneer Woman outside of one of the sessions. I completely lost any sense of decorum. (Please keep in mind this was the first blogger I ever read…and the reason I started blogging.)

I was all ‘SQUEE, SQUEE’ on the inside; and all “blah, blah, I’m a fan” blubbering on the outside. She actually asked me for my card…another SQUEEEE! She may have wanted it because she forgot to pack dental floss, but I’m thinking it’s it’s getting handed over to the FBI.

Regardless, she agreed to take a photo with me. Note how she is leaning into her husband and he’s got a hold on one of the boys. All I have to say is “I swear I’m harmless and be glad I didn’t ask your husband to turn around for the photo as I’m used to seeing him in his chaps!”

Oh, and SQUEEEE!


Gin said...

I have got to get to one of those things. I would be squeeing all over the place to meet some of the bloggers! Looks like a blast!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Glad you had an awesome time. MM is just as handsome off the ranch!!


Momisodes said...

Your sign is awesome!
I'm so glad I had a chance to meet you.
You were definitely on my list of "must see's."

Mental P Mama said...

If I ran into PW, I'd Squee, too;) Glad you had fun. It's here next year! I will be there;)

Badass Geek said...

I think it is physically impossible for me to "squee".

Wine and Words said...

I'm glad you had so much fun. It would be so awesone to be Squee'd over, so I am sure you did not embarras yourself...too badly :)

Unknown said...

Linda - you ARE the Squee!!! I love you bunches.

Aunt Juicebox said...

You're such a riot, how could anyone not like you! Right off the bat I would have been laughing my arse off at the sign!

Slyde said...

that must have been such a cool event to go to. i keep reading about it on all of your blogs and i must say im jealous!

Anonymous said...

I don't think in a million years I thought you could squee! I am SO Glad you had a good time....

Captain Dumbass said...

I would have squeed like a little girl if I'd been there.

Sheila (charm school reject) said...

Gah - how did you manage to be so cool with her? I tripped over my tongue and spouted non-sense.

Other than the glaringly obvious fact that you are was cooler than I am, I had a total blast hanging out with you!

Can't wait til the dust settles and we can meet for a liquid dinner!

Aunt Becky said...

I am so jealous that I didn't get to meet you.

BFF said...

Loved the look the fellow at the airport was giving you...Hmm what ya think he was thinking?

Evansmom said...

LOL. This post is adorable. I bet if I met you, I would squeee! :)

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...


Of course we would hit it off, hon! You are an awesome roomie and I'm so glad I came! You and your hubbie are more than welcome to squat at my place in Atlanta any time you wish and I can't wait to see you in the future!

Love you, hon!

bernthis said...

you better be in NYC next year my dear. You will be sorely missed if you aren't

I can't find my blog said...

Wow. Me? Squee worthy?

You too! Had so much fun with you, and all the rest. (Now off to rob a bank for NYC. Kidding. Kinda.)

Lola said...

Those Pioneers are pretty tall, huh? Oh, and I love the look on the guy's face in the airport. Too funny!!!

Glad you had a great time.

Lifeofkaylen said...

ha, i LOVE that sign!
I'm hoping to squee and squee some more someday at a BlogHer event. :) Glad it went well.

**and that family is totally huddling together!! You might want to take it personal. :)

Anonymous said...

You got to meet so many of my favourites. Must have been fun. I would have squeed too. Sounds like a brilliant event!

Kim's Korner said...

LOVED your sign! How could she NOT like you after that sign! And I agree, the look on the stodgy old guy's face next to you is priceless! :-)

Glad you had such a good time at thh event. I'd love to go, but don't know if the ego could handle the 'You're WHO? Never heard of ya! ...Next!' ;-)

As a side note ... I did mention you on my vacation last week a few times. Describing this cool blogger, who took an awesome shot of her ass and pressed it up against a dryer LMAO!!!!

meleah rebeccah said...

that is sofa king cool. One day I really want to attend a BlogHer convention!

Beauty blog said...

Hi! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I genuinely enjoy reading your blog posts. Can you recommend any other.
"Beauty Guest Post" blogs that go over the same topics? Thanks a ton!