Blah, blah, blah. I’ve been complaining recently about how far behind I am on reading posts. Nobody wants to be served up that much
wine whine unless they’re getting a nice cheese platter on the side; so I call uncle. I’m taking the advice of some of your comments and marking everything as read. I feel so guilty doing it but it’s stressing me too much. I could pick a few blogs and get caught up those, while falling even farther behind on others, but I can’t do that. All I can do is apologize and ask that if there are any posts with life altering information or any you really want me to read, please email the links to me at
As an apology of sorts, my ‘Caption This’ on Wednesday will be an extremely embarrassing photo of myself. Feel free to make fun of my ass (and no, it’s not another picture of my ass). Also, tomorrow’s post will have plenty of pictures from Saturday night’s celebration of
Shelia’s birthday.
You DON'T have to apologize. This is NOT a job - should never FEEL like a job - and obligation never was and never will be part of the agreement. All we (the collective 'we' - not the Royal) need from you is whatever time you can spare - and an occasional shot of your boobs.
No apologies required. I agree not your job. I do understand though, because I know the feeling of being away from either doing entries or reading them analogous to missing a couple weeks of class, feeling behind and lost & then having to play catch-up.
Good girl!!!!
Blogging is a hobby, hon! A passion! Not a requirement. Just get to us when you can. :)
Glad you had a great time at Sheila's party!
I promise no hard feelings here - its supposed to be fun - remember?!
Okay. I AM going to email you, because I really REALLY want you to see a movie that I made I worked SO hard on it, and its 12 minutes long, but I THINK? you WILL appreciate it!
It's damn near impossible to keep up with everybody's blogs. It's ok to skip sometimes. Sure you'll piss some people off, but when it starts stressing you out then it's not fun anymore.
PS. Feel free to post more pics of your ass.
I have 347 unread posts. So I win. Oh wait. We weren't having a contest? Riiiiigggghhhht
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