Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog-B-Q '09...

After a few days of freaking out after my first visit to the specialist I’ve realized three things. 1.) I just have to wait to see what I have, 2.) I can’t self diagnose myself using Google, and 3.) There is nothing I can do or change until my next appointment. That being said, what better way to divert the last marble in my head but to have a party!!! So that’s what I did.

Last Saturday I had my first (and hopefully not last) Blog-B-Q. I invited a handful of bloggers and their families over for a casual get together. Though it’s always great to get together with the friends I’ve made online, I wanted the people in our ‘real lives’, that don’t blog, to be a part of it. (Read: Proof to my family that these friends really do exist and are not just playing with that lone marble.)

I ran the idea of having a Blog-B-Q past my husband…after first running it by Lou. Well, of course I would want Lou’s opinion on it because he was my first. First blogger I met in person. People, get your minds out of the gutter.

Here’s Lou, obviously tickled pink over something quite humorous and witty I said; that or he’s laughing at me. No, actually it’s the first.

Though his wife SWMBO (‘She Who Must Be Obeyed’) couldn’t make it, he brought his son Zach who he refers to as #3 Son. I realize he’s only 18, and has a girlfriend, and I’m married, and I’m old enough to be his mother; but I absolutely adore him. (Zach, you have my email, so keep in touch; and let me know how you’re doing in college.)

Also in attendance were Miss Mad Hatter and Karra.

While Karra’s son and my granddaughter were in the garden discussing the importance of monitoring the pH levels in the soil...

…other more important topics were being discussed elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Sheila tried to look all serious….

…but really? Yeah, I rest my case. She’s too full of fun to pull that off.

And speaking of fun; let the wee ones have a turn!

Some bags were tossed and I’m not sure if it was gals vs. guys; or bloggers vs. non-bloggers or if it was one and the same…

Blogging and gender aside, there was also competition between the ages. Here is my grandson challenging Sheila to SingStar. She won, but it was close.

He is awaiting a rematch, which is more than likely to occur as I think the biggest connection made this past weekend was between Sheila’s son and my grandson.

They ended up having a sleepover that night and are new best buds. Sheila and my daughter exchanged phone numbers and there is already another sleepover planned in just over a week. How cool is that?

On an ending not, here’s me and my first…


Who’s in for next year?


Aunt Juicebox said...

OMG What state do you even live in?

I'm glad you are feeling a little calmer about the whole thing, but I'll still be hoping for the best.

Unknown said...

I'm in!!! That was fun. And maybe, by next year I can lose 40 pounds and have my teeth bleached. So I can be more picture worthy.

p.s. I'm so glad I was your first.

Badass Geek said...

Oh, if I could go, I'd so totally be there. Looks like everyone had a blast!

Gin said...

What a great idea to get your mind off of things! Next time I'm flying in. :-)

Wine and Words said...

Looks like so much fun. Do you live in California? Hoping....

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun. And I LOVE the name so creative...
I'd love to come by, don't you live like 8 states away, though???
Been thinking about you, good to hear from you...

Karra said...

We had so much fun! Thanks again for inviting us. I'm in for next year, and perhaps Lilli will be a little more steady on her feet. Either that, or I'll just have to buy her a helmet.

Great pics!! :)

Sheila said...

I had so.much.fun! I can't wait for our next get together!

Val wants to have a Scrabble night soon!!

And Travis still can't stop talking about D!

He was like, He's my best friend EVER mommy! LOL

missmadhatter said...

Nice pics and a great blog-b-q!
I had a great time.
And the bf never uttered a word about blogging after leaving.
Well done, Linda! We'll be back for more and more and more (but with more serious faces for pictures next time)!

I can't find my blog said...

Looks like a blast!

Anonymous said...

What a great day. I think it's brilliant those two boys formed a friendship. I love get-togethers like that!

meleah rebeccah said...

Man, if I lived anywhere near you I would LOVE to come to one of your Blog-BBQ's!!

Aunt Becky said...

I'm totally in. Maybe we can host an end of summer one at my house. Would you be down?

bernthis said...

oh what a blast that must have been. I'm in as long as the airfare is cheap, as in zero dollars.

Kat said...

I would so be there! (if I didn't have a plane ticket to buy)

Lifeofkaylen said...

I want to come!!!
This is a great idea-I don't know of enough bloggers in my area. I am going to add this to my to-do list: Meet bloggers in Oregon.

kapgar said...

Are you sure Sheila's not just constipated?

Lola said...

How cool is that!!!! Well, you know I'd be there if I could drive there in under four hours and sleep on your couch.

Glad you're not totally freaking out about what might not be much of anything if my good thoughts have any pull with the universe.

Nej said...

I'm always in the mood for a party! :-)

Night Owl Mama said...

The Bad ass Geek referenced you in his BLog as living LoCal. Wooo whooo Looks like you's had so much fun. Although I have never been to your blog before thought I'd pop in an say hello to another Illinois resident. I'm living new Midway airport and next time ya have a party shoot me an invite. I'll bring all 13 of my kids for one fun party. Ooops I mean all 3 of my kids. That was a bad typo. LOL

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oh, how I wish I had been there! And Sheila! And Lou! *Swoon* I'm glad you guys had a great time! I think if I had an Atlanta BBQ that Anissa and Muskrat would be so out of control we'd all end up in jail. :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!