I haven’t posted in close to a month, I’ve marked more posts as read than I’ve actually read and I’ve only commented a handful of times. I don’t feel guilty about the first, but the other two bother me. Oh well, life sometimes interrupts. Some times its good and other times not.
- I saw the Rheumatologist a couple of weeks ago and when he reran the ANA test it came back negative, which is great. However, I need to make an appointment with my eye doctor to see if I have dry eyes. If I do, the Rheumy Doc wants to see me a couple of times a year. Apparently, along with other ‘symptoms’ I’ve displayed, if I do have dry eyes I may be a candidate for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Getting old sucks.
- I was busy plotting and planning a surprise birthday party for my son, who will be thirty next week. HELLO, fucking 30! The party was a huge success; however I will have a 30 year old son. Getting old sucks donkey balls. Mind you I’ve never actually sucked a donkey’s balls; but if I had it would have sucked…or I would have. But I didn’t and I don’t.
- In addition to my son’s approaching birthday to remind me how old I am; my grandson will be turning eight on the same day. Talk about a double whammy.
- On a bright note, I just booked my flight last night to attend Adam’s Halloween Party! I’m really excited to be going but I need to come up with a costume. I’ll be going with Sheila, who already has her kick ass naughty girl Charm School Reject costume. When I suggested I go as a nun with a ruler smacking her knuckles she emailed me this:
Yeah, with the hail damage on my thighs and my muffin top, I think not. Any horny priest not already into young boys and eyeing the nuns would switch hit if he saw me in that get up. So, any suggestions for a costume?
- Last, I don’t know if all dogs go to heaven. I don’t know if they have souls and prayers would help, but I’m asking for yours anyway. My younger dog, Calvin, had a seizure at 3:45 a.m. this morning; a seizure that lasted over a minute. He’d never had one before. My husband is out of town and I didn’t know what to do. It’s not like you can dial 911 for a dog. He drooled excessively and then paced for about 15 minutes. He finally settled down and I thought he was okay. About an hour later he had another one. This time he was foaming at the mouth and seemed disoriented for about an hour afterward. I brought him to the animal hospital where he had another one at 11:20 a.m. and was on the verge of a fourth before I got there after work. All of his blood work came back fine which makes the vet think he has epilepsy…if not something neurological. He's not a puppy anymore, but like my son, he'll always be my baby.
Glad to hear from you.
Have fun at Adam's party! And take care of yourself. You, the actual person, is more important than the blog.
No ideas for a costume. I have to come up with one of my own. Blech.
Man, now I wanna book my flight to Adam's just so I can hang with Naughty Nun and Naughty Sheila. Rowr!
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. That must have been so hard to watch happen, with not being able to do anything. I hope he is okay.
As far as the costume? Well... I'll get back to you.
What a sweet little dog. I hate when they don't feel good and you don't know what to do. Let us know how it goes.
I've always thought that my parents were never bothered by their age, it was always MINE. Like there is NO WAY that WE can be old enough to have a daughter who is 42!
I am glad to hear you are doing ok...I was getting worried.
Sorry about your doggie...hope he is ok.
And I haven't the slightest idea what to say about that Halloween costume. Yikes!
I am so sorry about your doggy. It is heartbreaking when they have problems!
Poor Calvin, he's such a sweet little boy. I'll pray for him and you :(
As far as the costume goes, put on some control top tights and go with it :)
You can be a nun without being a dirty nun, ya know. Those long black robes cover up a multitude of sins.
Sorry to hear about poor cute Calvin, our neighbors dog has been having daily seizures for about 4 years now. I will try to call you tonight, last few nights have been CRAZY!!!
You could still rock Naughty Nun if you wanted too...just wear the actual frock instead of the porn version.
Poor Calvin and poor you! What a sweet looking pooch. Got one of my own and it isn't easy when they are unwell. Hoping for the best.
Poor puppy!! My thoughts are with him.
Glad to have you posting again!!!!!!!!
I was JUST thinking about you! I was grilling Badass about you. So glad that you're back.
I think you'd look GREAT in the Nun outfit.
And that's such bad news about your puppy.
Do you know why Nuns always travel in pairs?
The First Nun makes sure the Second Nun doesn't get none.
Sorry about your doggie. :(
I think you'd look hot as a nunslut, I'm sorry about your doggie, and I'm incredibly jealous that you're going to Avitable's halloween thingamathing.
Sorry, I'm still stuck on the nun outfit.
Hey, life is always interfering with... life. GAH! I'm glad the ANA test came back negative and getting old does suck. I guess the gaining of wisdom means we lose our bodies to time. Sucks. I agree.
I'll be thinking of Calvin and sending good vibes his way. YOU'RE COMING TO AVITABLE'S HALLOWEEN PARTY?!?!?! OMFG! I can't wait to see you and for you to meet Tyler! We're going as Stormtroopers, which means you could always come as Princess Leia! Hee hee!
Have a blast at the Halloween party!
Sorry for the late comment - just catching up after much too long. Hope that Calvin is much better and you too!
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