Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Still Decompressing...

…from my weekend of self-indulgence.

From Thursday night until Sunday morning I averaged 4 hours of sleep a night (read: 12 hours over three nights). Even though I actually got a good forty winks in last night my body was screaming for coffee.


Overboard said...

Oh, ouch. That's not a lot of sleep. I get more than that and I'm a college student, jeez. I hope you're able to catch up on that sleep soon. I should probably sleep, myself, buuuuuuut... I should write papers, first. Looks like I'll need...

Coffee! Not. I don't drink coffee, personally. I go for tea if I'm feeling health conscious, or pop if I'm not.

Sheila said...


This is not Bust a Move.

Screw coffee, you know what to do G, bust a move.

Miss Mad Hatter said...

bwahahaaa! i actually have this downloaded to my iPod!
(::whispers:: and all their other music too.)
and i always sing my favorite lyric when i'm making my morning coffee in the office...SCREAM FOR YOUR CREAM!!!