Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I’m So Hot…

Because perimenopause not only involves hot flashes, but also crazy weight gain….

…you get Christmas presents like this:

And this:

Getting older sucks. I'll probably get Geritol in my stocking next year!


Cathy said...

Hiya, long time lurker, first time commenter...had to tell ya about my friend who is also perimenepausal and she refers to hot flashes as "tropical moments" and since your going somewhere tropical.... :)

Meg said...

Hahaha! I got Wii Fit but I guess no one thought to get me a cool fan like that. Does it keep you cool?

Fraughter said...

"Tropical moments" ha ha thats funny!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

The pink fan is so cute!!

Hallie :)

Anonymous said...

ohmigod when I first looked at the the fan I thought it said "Hot Flash Pan" and was so darn confused!

Unknown said...

Is that the opaque, flesh colored support stockings. Or the red fuzzy ones that don't fit anymore?

Badass Geek said...

Don't forget the calcium pills. I've heard those help with bone loss.

Wait. What? said...

ROFL!! Very thoughtful presents!

Mark said...

too funny! Hey at least you didn't get a sippy cup and depends.

Momisodes said...

Just make sure no one gets you any hair removal products and/or anti-aging cremes next year. No matter how expensive they are!

I received some 2 years ago...when I was 30!!!

Nope. Not bitter.