Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm Back...

…if only for a little while.

When Paul left for India I honestly thought I’d be a bloggin’ fool. I’d have all this time on my hands to write posts and read posts and yadda-yadda; but it hasn’t quite worked out that way. It’s not like I don’t have the time. Lord knows I have plenty of time; it’s just me and the dog every evening and most weekends. But for whatever reason I’ve dug this hole for myself and don’t want to peek out of it. I didn’t even try a month ago when that damn Punxsutawney Phil took a look see to tell us how long Old Man Winter would be hanging around.

When I’ve tried to analyze why I’m reacting this way all I can compare it to is the whole nesting thing that expectant mothers do in their last trimester…they wait.

So I wait, and my life is on hold while Paul is gone. Sure, I participate in the everyday goings on, but I feel at a loss. No, that’s not true. What I actually feel is lost. And if lost were the ‘cake’, the ‘icing' would be that his 4 – 6 month assignment has now been changed to a year or two.

So there’s this part of me that’s burrowed into a hole, but there’s another that knows I need to get on with it. I know that blogging would help but I just need a swift kick in the ass. Any volunteers?


Unknown said...

HA! You need to ask? I'll call you tomorrow (Thursday) and maybe you, me and Cat can meet somewhere over this weekend. Have coffee or something.

I can't find my blog said...

That's so funny because my husband has been out of town these last few weeks (not like yours, but gone on and off,) and I've had little mojo to write, either. I'm actually thinking of taking a blog reading break to break the pattern. Trying to keep up is killing me.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

I wish we lived close by. I would so definitely come over there and kick your ass.

If you feel like blogging, excellent. Blog about whatever, even if it's about you missing Paul. And if you don't feel like it, no worries. We'll be here when you get back.

Much love, hon!

Wait. What? said...

Oh Coffee this weekend would be excellent - let me know- Sunday is kinda bad - so Saturday would be better.

I knew you were quiet for a while, I am glad you came back, wrote about it, now let me find the paddle, because I do not kick asses I think spanking works best. Ha!

It is hard being lonely when you are surrounded by people who will take ya for coffee!



areasontowrite said...

I hear ya sista! that traveling husband thing can be so, so hard

Jenny Grace said...


Glennis said...

Oh, that is hard. So very sorry. 4-6 months, OK, but a year or two? Are you and the baby going to join him later on?

At least you have the dog for companionship.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry he's going to be gone for so long. That is so hard for you. I think you should blog what you're feeling and have lots of coffees with friends. Many hugs to you.

Badass Geek said...


Sheila said...

Oh! Oh! PICK ME!!

Chin up....I'll call you tonight after Mike leaves for work :)

Anonymous said...

Wait, am I volunteering to kick your ass? The cute one that appeared on a read dryer on my blog?
It was lovely talking to you last week!

Nej said...

It's hard to dig yourself out of that hole...but you can do it!!!!!