Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For...

There have been times where I have wished, like many people have, that I didn’t have to go to work. As the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”

My last day of work will be July 30th. The company I work for is not going under, nor have I won the lottery. I tendered my resignation yesterday as I am…are you ready for this???

…as I am moving to India.


Paul’s job requires him to be there full time; meaning he won’t be able to take as many trips back to the states as he has been. It also requires that he be there for the next two to three years. So as the song goes, “I’m leaving on a jet plane. Don’t know when I’ll be back again.”

The next two months or so until I go will be hectic to say the least. I’ll blog here and there, but mark my words; once I get there I will probably be posting quite a bit AND I will finally have time to catch up on all the blogs I used to read, and then some. I will undoubtedly finally get involved in CrackBook too.

Going to leave it at that for now because even though part of me is really excited about this opportunity; the other part of me just wants to throw up.


I can't find my blog said...

I think it's exciting. There's so many wonderful things to see in that part of the world-try to take advantage of that while you're there!

Meg said...

Oh wow! So exciting!! Having just moved halfway around the world myself last year, I totally get the mixed emotions and the busyness that is too come. I'm around if you need an encouraging word here and there.

We can come visit you right? ;-)

Anonymous said...

The good thing is you will be together. It is a very exciting thought. Moving anywhere is hard, but especially to another country. Just think of the stories you'll have to tell. It'll be an amazing experience!

Evansmom said...

Good Luck!

Badass Geek said...

I wondered if this was going to happen. What an experience this will be!

Sheila said...

Experience schmexperience.

I'm gonna miss you :( Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........

Oh wait. I get your furniture.

Never mind - have fun in India beyotch.

MarieC said...

OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG, that's all I can say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! I'm gonna miss our phone chats, don't think my plan includes India!!! :-((((

Anonymous said...

Holy mother of god, girlfriend! Like WOW! But what a fun life adventure for you!!!!!

Avitable said...

Holy shit!

Have a blast and enjoy the experience. :)

Glennis said...

Are you kidding?? DO IT!! This is an awesome opportunity. Take advantage of it! no matter what it take, do it.

Lucky you!

And blog about it.

Nej said...

Holy smokes! How exciting!!!!!!!!