Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Haven’t Dropped Off the Planet…

…just flew to the other side; and boy are my arms tired.  (Sorry, that’s the jet lag talking.) 

Instead of boring you with the details of my trip home or how much Charles De Gaulle airport sucks, you get this:  My new granddaughter, Joanna Christine, just thirty minutes old. 
Father and Daughter.
Grandson, Andrew, with his new cousin…
…and granddaughter, Isabelle, with her new cousin
The hardest thing about living in India is not the language barrier or different customs.  It’s not the absence of beef or pork.  It’s not being careful to avoid getting dysentery from unclean water or malaria from mosquitoes.  No, the hardest part is being so far from the ones you love and all that that entails.

My new little princess; isn’t she perfect?


Unknown said...

Yes, she is exactly that. Perfect! Congratulations to Mommy and Daddy - and to you, Grandma.

Bama Cheryl said...

She is adorable and you are one lucky Grandma! Glad you arrived safely. Have a wonderful visit and fantastic holidays with your family!

Sheila said...

She's gorgeous! Look at all that hair!!

If you find time, give me a call this weekend, okay?

I don't wanna call and interrupt family time or catching up from jet lag time!

Blondefabulous said...

Oh so sweet! Congratulations to the whole family!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bubby. She is divine. What a little piece of joy!

I can't find my blog said...

I'm so thrilled that you're there and she's here and you all get to enjoy Thanksgiving together! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Look at those lovely eyes...congrats!