I got my first professional pedicure. I know; there are plenty of women (and men) who get them all the time. But…
…do they have fish nibble the dead skin off their feet first?
There’s a new Fish Spa and Therapy kiosk that opened at the mall about two weeks ago. I’ve wanted to try this since hearing about it last year, so yesterday when I went to do a little shopping before meeting Paul after work, it was my first stop.
I had a choice of either fifteen or 30 minutes of feeding the fish therapy and decided to go with the shorter time not knowing what to expect. What can you expect should you ever have an opportunity to try this? Let me just say if your feet are extremely ticklish you’ll have a hard time sitting still…and the bigger the fish, the more it tickles. It is a strange sensation, but relaxing at the same time. The only time I got a little freaked was when they told me to spread my toes apart so the fish could get in there, then I worried about squishing one of the little munchkins if I put my toes back together!
These 'Doctor Fish' only eat the dead skin from your feet (and ankles if they’re also in the water), and leave the healthy skin alone. I wondered about the nutritious value of dead skin and asked the girls working there if they still had to feed them and was told they did.
The price for the therapy, foot/leg massage and pedicure? 350 Rupees…$7.68 U.S. Am I hooked (pun intended), you bet. I plan on going back in a couple of weeks with Paul in tow.
It definitely sounds weird but good all at the same time. Too bad the price was so outrageous!
I've heard about that - sounds really interesting!!
@Bama Cheryl
I know! It was killing me to pull that amount out of my wallet, but what’s a curious gal to do?
@ Avitable
Dude, you should totally hit that shit up…plus I hear there are spas where you can totally emerge, if you catch my drift. Nothing like tickling the ole Avitaballs.
They were doing that here in Florida, but the FDA and Agricultural Departments here made them stop saying it was "unsanitary". Boo. :(
@ Blondefabulous
Well, I guess it could be unsanitary if the people running the spa aren’t both checking and cleaning people’s feet before they’re allowed to put them in the water with the fish. The thing is, even though this kind of fish are used for nibbling the dead skin off of people’s feet, they’re also used to alleviate the symptoms of Psoriasis.
You could always visit me here and I’ll take you :)
Very weird but something I would like to try. Wonder if they will catch on in the states. Hmmm maybe an opportunity waiting to happen.
Note to self: Don't buy Piranhas!
I noticed blondefabulous' comment,dang foiled again.
That looks awesome!!!!!!!! I would TOTALLY give it a shot! :-)
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