...things look a bit different here; am I on the right blog?
Why yes, yes you are.
When I found out that I was moving to India I knew that I would need to update my template and leave the moniker of ‘Employee No. 3699’ behind. At the time part of me moved forward, but a bigger part of me procrastinated; we’re talking like 90% procrastination. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because it’s hard to say good-bye to the past. Maybe because it’s hard to look into the future. Maybe because ‘Y’ is a crooked letter.
Whatever the case, over six months later the changes have finally been made.
I’d now like to point out a few features I didn’t have before. On the sidebar to the right you can see the time here in India as you read (and the date if you place your mouse over the time). You can also see the current weather just below that. If you’d like to subscribe to my blog and have new posts show up in your Google Reader or Email, there is a link for that too.
I have to give props to my husband, Paul, for the pictures in the header. If you’d like to see more of his talent, just click on the “Chasing the Sun Photography’ link also on the sidebar.
None of these changes would have been possible if not for the talent (and patience) of Mike aka BadAss Geek.I love you bunches, Mike.
Love the new look!
Yay for out with the old and in with the new!
But don't retire Employee No. 3699 all the way!
(I can't type complete sentences today it seems! Oh look - got one! WOOT!)
I love the pics in the banner!!!
Your blog is beautiful! I do like the current weather - I can't see the time and date though.
Not sure why the time/date widget went down, but it's back up now.
Glad you like it!
looks great over here!
might be silly, but i really love the date and time thingy. makes me wanna tell you to kiss the moon and send it my way.
happoy tommorrow!
Just lovely! I like how you have the date and time thing going on in the side bar.
Love it!!
Awesome new look! The pictures and the design are wonderful. Are you back "home" in India now? Nice work, BAG!
Beautiful! I like it!!
It's looking fabulous over here. I love the purple. I didn't realise I was only 4 and a half hours ahead of you in Sydney - we're practically neighbours. Great new look!
I love it...and Mike did a great job. Those pictures are great in the header!
PURPLE!!!! I love it, hon!
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