Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yes, I Know….’s going on almost a month since the last time I’ve posted.   Not that I’m being lazy…well maybe a little; and not because I have nothing to write about….because I do.  It’s simply that I’ve been busy.   

There are two reasons for this spike in my activity.  The first is that we have our car back (good as new, just missing the antennae) and we have a driver.  His name is Deepak and he is a nice young man; married with two small boys.  I haven’t seen Vikram, the rickshaw driver, but Paul tells me he’s going to hire him for two men that are coming here from Boston in a week.  Anyway, I have a car and driver to haul my ass around  so I’ve been getting out more.

The second reason for my flurry of activity is that I’ve made some friends here.  Wait.  That sentence didn’t fully convey my emotions, so let me type part of it again.  I MADE SOME FRIENDS HERE!

I’ve gone from nudging Paul at the mall and saying in my best Haley Joel Osment voice, “I see white people”; to actually meeting some.  Thus far I’ve become acquainted with some very nice people from the U.S., England, New Zealand, Australia and the Netherlands.  In addition to being able to share information (which is helpful beyond words when you live abroad); I’ve been able to socialize. We were invited to a barbeque one Friday evening and hosted a get together at our place the following weekend.  I’ve gone shopping a few times with a woman that lives in my complex, and met another for coffee the other day. 

A couple of weeks ago I hosted a luncheon and another is planned for the 26th of this month at a local restaurant, where I’ll have the opportunity to meet two more women.  One is from the U.S. and the other is an Indian woman who also lives in the same complex as me.

Another thing I recently started doing is volunteering at a children’s shelter.  One of the women I’ve met, along with her husband, run a non profit organization that rescues and rehabilitates street children and commercial sex workers.  This couple is amazing and I am grateful for the opportunity to help, if even in a very small way.  If you’d like to check it out you can go here:

That’s all for now.  It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m going to join Paul on the terrace and enjoy the heat (not!) and a nice cold beer (cheers!) from our cooler (called an Eskie in Australia or Chilly Box in the U.K. or New Zealand) on our new patio furniture.


Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, glad to hear you're getting an oppotunity to be more social, that's got to make all the difference in the (third) world!!!

MarieC said...

Hey you! So happy for you that you've made friends! Still miss our chats though....tell Paul we said 'hi'! Think of you often...

Blondefabulous said...

ay white people! Wait.... that came out totally wrong! But seriously, I'm glad you've made friends!!

I can't find my blog said...

So glad you've made some friends and are getting out more! I'd love to hear more about where you're volunteering!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad you got to meet some people to hang out with. That is really cool. And good on you for volunteering. I am sure you will find it really rewarding. Enjoy that beer!

Unknown said...

Look at you - becoming all worldy wise and stuff. Next thing you know you'll be jetting off to NZ or Australia or Hong Kong to visit friends and saying "Crikey" and stuff.

Well done you. Socialize like it's 1999.

Sheila said...

I'm so glad you're making friends and resuming a social life! I'm sure it makes being away from home so much easier!

Just don't go getting all attached to them people. You have internet people at home waiting for you! LOL

Lifeofkaylen said...

Friends!!! It's so great when you first meet them (before they start to disappoint/irritate you!).

I love that you're volunteering at a shelter! Big props to you for giving your time. They sound like an amazing couple who dedicated their energy to a needed group of people.

Anonymous said...

I bet all of that makes a big difference. and good for you for volunteering! I am glad to hear you are doing well.