Friday, September 12, 2008


There are many variations on the recipe for Guacamole. Some call for sour cream or garlic or cilantro or lime. I’ve tried many of them over the years, but I prefer this basic one using the following five ingredients. There are no exact measurements for each of the ingredients, as some like it on the mild side and some like it hot. I highly recommend tasting as you make this. You can always add a little more, but you can’t take it out after it’s mixed together.

Avocados, tomato, onion, jalapeno and salt.

After cutting avocados in half, remove the pits, scoop into a bowl and mash.

Chop onion and add to bowl.

Dice and add tomato.

Mince jalapeno. You can use fresh or from a jar.

Add salt sparingly. I actually had a bit too much in my hand here and did not add it all. Mix, taste and adjust accordingly.

Serve with chips and enjoy!

Don’t forget, this is the last day to leave comments for the Give-Away!


Badass Geek said...

Not a fan of any of the items in gaucamole, but you made it look tasty!

Anonymous said...

YUM! I love guacamole! Although admittedly, I just go buy one of the packets and a couple of avocados and do it that way. This looks way better!

Unknown said...

Yummy. You AND the Guac'.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much I love guacamole. I am an absolute pig when it is around. Mmmmm. I want some of this right now. Unfortunately, it is 12.30AM in Oz and I don't have any avocado. I'll make it tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

thanks for entering this weeks' giveaway! hope you win!

i LOVE guac. its my most favorite thing to make/eat! but i have a question...what do you do with the leftovers? do you just cover it and leave it out at room temp, or do you put it in the fridge? i usually put it in the fridge, and then it gets all brown.

CK said...

Leftovers... from guacamole??? Not on my watch!

Expat No. 3699 said...

Pink Potpourri:
I sprinkle just a little salt over the top and cover it with clear plastic wrap (Saran Wrap). I push the wrap down to completely cover the surface of the guacamole to prevent any air from getting at it. The air turns it brown.

Anonymous said...

I am not a guac fan at all but I have to say that your recipe looks amazing. I might have to try that out. Thanks for sharing.

Whitney said...

MMM, I am a guacamole freak. I love it. I use all your ingredients, except I use lots of garlic and cilantro, too. YUM!

Anonymous said...

So that's where you get all those "would you rather" questions.

Okay, I'm a little jealous of your trip. I can admit that.

Anonymous said...

Okay - woops! That comment was meant for the last post. My bad...

Anonymous said...

I love love love Guacamole!

Lisa said...

I LOVE GUACAMOLE.....I would add some lime juice too. Oh man that sounds so good, I bet you are taking it to your girls weekend out aren't you?? Dirty dog you!!!! Have a great time!

Lola said...

Even though I'm really sick right now, that looks sooo good! Love your bowls, too.

Anonymous said...

Guacamole is my FAVORITE food/condiment of All Time.

Lisa said...

Well it is noon on Sunday, I am wondering if the "sobbering" process has begun yet? Just checking.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm w/Lisa is the sobbering process startd on the way back home
Oh S--- and tommorrow is Monday
Work Work Work When's the next girls week-end HOPE ALL OF YOU HAD A FUN TIME