Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Want to be a Jetson...

When I first started blogging I wrote about how I wanted to live in Mayberry. I’ve always wanted to live in a small town, it seems like it would be so laid back and care free. But the more I think about it, it doesn’t seem possible. First of all, how could I possibly move somewhere like that? I would need the funds to be able to move somewhere and buy my cozy little white house with the picket fence. This is not going to happen anytime in the near future. I have to work and My Better Half has to work. What kind of jobs are there in these small towns out in the middle of nowhere? Second, how could I move away from my parents, children and grandchildren? I just can’t see myself being able to do that.

But if I could…Let’s just say I get lucky; my ship comes in; hit the mother lode; win the jackpot; if you will and I am able to live my dream life with my family around me; is it really still my dream life? I think back to when my children were small and the few years before I had to work. I enjoyed gardening, and making crafts and homemade bread and canning apple butter. I cooked, from scratch, breakfast, lunch and dinner. My home was always spotless and organized. Do I really want to do that now? Am I still that person?

The answer is no. I like ordering dinner instead of making it all the time. I like using my microwave for quick meals. I love using a Swiffer on my floor instead of having a floor you could eat off of. I don’t need to make homemade craft items to give in cute baskets for gifts. I’m fine with gift cards and shopping on-line.

I think, maybe instead, I’d like to be a Jetson. Do you remember the The Jetsons cartoon? It aired in the early 1960’s and then again in the mid 1980’s. Well that’s where I think I’d like to be. George Jetson only worked three hours a day 3 days a week. His wife, Jane, had a robot maid named Rosie, who took care of all the household chores. A maid…that you don’t have to pay, just recharge her batteries, works for me. When you wanted dinner, you just pressed a button and instant meal.

Take a look and see what I’m talking about…

I know that was quite long, but if you want the rest, here it is.

What would you prefer? A life of remember when or the wave of the future?

Don’t forget to leave a comment if you want to enter for the Give-Away this week.


Anonymous said...

Oooooh, I'm first!
'cept I don't know what to say.
Does no comment count as a comment?

Anonymous said...

Well, I love The Jetsons too but I would prefer to be a member of the Scooby Gang. I could be Velma's long lost cousin, Selma. Selma and Velma - sounds cute, right? Actually, it sounded cuter in my head. LOL.

Megan said...

It's true, in small towns, there are no jobs..so you'd have to strike it rich! (although it is pretty cheap to live in a small town) But since we can dream, being a Jetson would be MUCH cooler!! I haven't seen that show in AGES..I wonder if it is still on TV.

Unknown said...

Ya know what - I'd be right there with ya, I would.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I want to be a Jetson too. Of course complete with lottery winnings so that I never have to work again!

lol @ Selma's comment

Lisa said...

There is so much to be said for both types of lifestyles. I love the Mayberry life, and in fact lived on Mayberry street in a small town for quite awhile. Knew lots of people, had a good job, and the pace of life was pretty slow. I can remember when we even used to complain about the "traffic". Oh my! Yes, now as I am older the Jetson life style is appealing, but I don't think I am ready for the futuristic life and the pace, and the CLOTHES!! no, thanks.

RiverPoet said...

I've lived in both small towns and big cities. Now I like being somewhere in the middle.

I'll admit to not watching the videos (b/c I'm supposed to be working) but I've seen every episode. I thought by now that we would all have Rosies!

Peace - D

Anonymous said...

I think you could be one of those Jetsons with as fast as you move
You never stop

Mental P Mama said...

I want to live in Frazier's apartment in Seattle. I love that place;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love both of those.. Past and Future Shows. The Jetsons were my favorite cartoon..

But right now, I think I would love to live in Charlottes Home.. On Sex in The City. Downtown NYC. Upper East Side. Fun.


Anonymous said...

I'd take living in the Jetsons over quite a few cartoons. Most of them were about little animals smashing each other to death (and then bouncing back to life).

Thanks a lot - now I've got the Jetsons theme song stuck in my head: "Meet George Jetson...Jane his wife..."


Heather said...

I don't think I could choose either. I always think about my cousin who is a nurse and lives in this great house on her family's 100+ acre farm, but has to drive an hour and a half each way for work. I would hate that so much.
However, if money were not an issue, I would LOVE to live in a rural area with no traffic or loud noisy neighbors etc.

Reddirt Woman said...

I live out from a "Mayberry" type of town and I love the peace of it, but I would not mind having Rosie so I could spend more time outside in the garden and jetting in to get groceries instead of driving would be great (except for the cost of fuel).

What a fun trip back in time. Thanks!


Michael C said...

I'm partial to Mayberry, or maybe Huckleberry Hound's digs. Although, the flying car would be nice but I'm not too hot on those futuristic pants I'd have to wear in the future.

Jenny Grace said...

I prefer remember when.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

I think a Mayberry town would drive me insane. I would need satellite TV, DSL connection for my computer, and the ocean. Seriously. Don't ask me why I would need close proximity to the ocean, but there you go.

I think I would rather live in Star Trek. With Captain Kirk. Shirtless. Yep, that would do it for me.