The ‘Pun’isher said:
“Okay, down to the wire there were some very good responses, but I have to go with Snoop Bloggy Blog as it made me laugh the most. All day I was making up bloggified lyrics to late 90’s Dre and Snoop songs.
Blog Blog Blog, Bloggio, Blogee-aye. The sounds of a blog bring me to another day
So what chu wanna do? I can leave a comment and my homeboys will too
We’ll be bloggin’ til six in the morn (six in the morn)
I thought of a lot more but forgot them just as quickly.”
Then he told me, “It’s your blog and you can write what you want to, write what you want to, write what you want to. I could blog too, but I’ll just do it through you.”
So Hallie from Wonderful World of Weiners; shoot me an email so I can send you your prize:

And just in case you’re not sick and tired of these yet…
The Blogman always posts twice
The Three Blogateers
The Post and Mrs Muir
It’s Wednesday. It must be Prince Bloghetti Day
Chef Blogardee
To Blog or Not to Blog
The Great Bloghini
Humphry Blogart
Blogasaurus Rex
Okay, we’re done…I think.
I won??? YEAH FOR ME!! How cool is that?
Will email you shortly!
Hallie :)
Youre email address is stuck in my home email - it's not working. Can you send it to me at work so I can email you?
"The Great Bloghini"
congrats to "Wonderful World of Weiners"
Very well-deserved win. You rule Mr. Weiner!
Oh you can never be done with puns!
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