That being said, this is who was answering my door:

Yeah, I did get my thick hair from my dad, but obviously this isn’t his hair. He had fun…my mom, well, she just rolled her eyes. Boys will be boys.
Here’s a group shot of my grandson in his Darth Vader costume and children of my son’s friend.

My granddaughter was plum tuckered out.

Now, I don’t normally take pictures of kids coming to my door. Not only would that make their parents uncomfortable, but what would I really do with the pictures? I did, however, have to take a pic of this one. He’s probably a little to old to be begging for candy, but damn it was a great costume!

And because he posed for me, I gave him an extra bag of M&M’s…then he gave me a packet of peanuts and waved both arms towards the front door as he exited and said “Buh Bye.”

Before my daughter and son-in-law left for their party, they
Yeah, my favorite son-in-law was the caveman from the Geico commercials, and a damn good one.

My daughter had a kick-ass costume also. She was thinking about changing it because none of her friends knew who she was supposed to be, but she decided to go for it. For extra credit points, can you guess who she is?

So how was your All Hallow’s Eve?
P.S. The first person that comments with the correct answer as to who my daughter was wins a $25.00 Target Gift Card!!! (Note: friends and family are disqualified…that means you, BFF).
Update 11/04/08 8:00 p.m. No one guessed so the gift card is up for grabs with the next post.
Ugggggggh I can't figure it out. Still Thinking!!!
Oh, I have no clue who she is dressed as. ARGH! But, awesome pictures! And your dad is a hoot!
Can we have multiple guesses? My only guess so far is Angela from the office..she's crazy(sword), has blonde hair, and the crazy eyebrow! See this for an example:
I am thinking she looks a lot like Anna Nicole Smith. Great costumes, especially the stewardess. He deserved some kind of award.
Peace - D
So I was trying to be really sneaky! Because I am such a good blogger friend I remembered a post you had about a myspace you made I tracked that down and found your daughters myspace..tried to entice her to tell me what her costume was, but you raised her right!! She wouldn't tell me! ;) Can't wait to hear what it is!!
I have no idea who your daughter is. BUT it's great that your family got so into Halloween. Looks like everyone had fun. I Love the costume of the dude in the blue. Nice!
She looks like Archie Bunker's daughter from All in the Family - Sally Struthers - but I'll be damned if I can remember the character name.
Gloria? Was that her name?
you put the wrong video on, I think the other one was better....
Umm, Kelly Osbourne? My husband said Gloria, just like Lou did.
Great costumes all around, and your parents are so damn cute!
Oh those are great pictures. We didn't even have ONE trick or treater. Oh well. We do live in the country with a very long driveway and no grand kids near by. So what do I expect??? I wanted kids to come by anyway!
OMG! Now that's how you do Halloween!
I can't get over that rather buxom flight attendant. Awesome!
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