Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Win...Our Win

Lately I haven’t been posting Monday through Friday, but in this case I must post twice. Twice in a day…twice in a couple of hours.

Obama O’ Eight. Obama…the slate, our fate, worth the wait.

I got tears in my eyes as I approached my polling place this morning. I have tears in my eyes right now.

I am so proud to be an American. I have always felt the pride and privilege of living in the United States of America, but this has been an historic election. Historic, in that we have our first African American President; but more so, that people stepped up to the plate and said enough is enough and voted for change.

Onward toward the future…

Again tears…of joy.


Momisodes said...

It really was such an amazing day. The turnout of voters was truly monumental. And his speech also moved me to tears.

Anonymous said...

Me too. I was in tears. I'll never forget this day. Such an honour to have witnessed it.

Badass Geek said...

Yesterday? Historic, it was.

Lisa said...

Yes, what a day.....I sure hope there will be a chicken in every pot now, I am just not a believer. I don't think one man can change the world, or even the United States. But I will support him, he is OUR President and that is awesome! And I think his family is so cute, and sweet.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lisa J. they are an adorable family. I wonder what those girls think of all this. What a new life to hve!

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions, you got it right. I'm talking about your correct usage of English in writing "an historic event", not the incorrect "a historic event".

Anonymous said...

One man may not change the world, but the people behind him, and those willing to work together, and focus on what the true problem's of the country are today, can. Yes WE Can!
The world changed last night, and it wasn't the man that changed it, it was all the voices that rose up through their ballots, and were heard. Resoundingly. I've never felt this way, it's been a rough eight years, it feels good to win, and know, the majority feel the way I do. And it happened right in my backyard, I feel blessed.

Anonymous said...

Best. Election. Ever.

Best. Acceptance. Speech. Ever.

Unknown said...

I am so proud of my country. We are growing up.

Wait. What? said...

Yes We Can! An American hopeful again!
