Monday, December 8, 2008

Passing the Peace Pipe...

I’m a wee bit late on posting this, but I don’t care. If you have a problem you can just put it in your pipe and smoke it. Literally.

As is customary with most smokers, my sister-in-law and I sat down after Thanksgiving dinner and lit one up before tackling the mound of dirty dishes. We chatted about how great the food was and how grateful we were. I then wondered, if after the First Thanksgiving, the Indians passed the peace pipe with the Pilgrims as their bellies settled?

My niece, K, (isn’t she gorgeous?)…

…who turned 17 on Thanksgiving this year, decided to share a birthday present she received from one of her friends. It was a hookah pipe; which she claimed she would not smoke tobacco out of because she was not old enough and especially not cannabis, as it is illegal (yeah, and pigs fly). Anyhoo, we said bring it on.

Here’s Rose (SIL’s grandmother) checking it out with her great granddaughter.

Rose: “Dear Lord child, what is that contraption?!?”
K: “It’s a hookah pipe, try it.”
Rose: “I will Not be trying that, and neither will your grandfather!”

Now out of a group of twenty odd people my sister-in-law and I were the only smokers, but it was amazing how many wanted to ‘pass the peace pipe’ knowing it was only filled with a watermelon flavored herbal concoction.

In fact, here’s my MIL and BIL partaking:

After almost everyone tried it (including my father!), Rose remained adamant. There was no way on God’s green earth that she or her husband Hank, were going to participate.

And then…

…a voice from the family room whispered, “Pass it over here, Honey, I’ll give that thing a try.” And to Rose’s dismay, Hank joined in.

Now in years to come and as memories fade, I may not remember if the turkey was moist or who made the pumpkin pie.

I won’t recall whether there was snow on the ground or if the temperature was mild.

And I’m sure I’ll overlook that I probably gained 5 pounds.

But the one thing I’ll never forget is…

‘Hookah Hank’.


Megan said...

I LOVE this post!! Hookah is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hookah Hank rules. You have such a fun family. And your niece is stunning!

Anonymous said...

I love it!

I hope to something sacred that I am just like Hank at his age -- I want to try everything at least once!

Momisodes said...

LOL! That is awesome :) I would never forget that either.

Hubby took me to a trendy hookah place on a date years ago. I tried a fruity flavored herbal concoction, and it was pretty good! :)

Mrs Anne said...

... the pic of Hookah Hank had me at hello...

he's adorable!!!!

My little bro swears that opening a "Hookah Bar" would be the best business decision his 21yr old mind could ever make... apparently they are all the "rage" right now!

Your niece is gorgeous!

Skeeter said...

Yep, those things are quite the rage around here too. It's a little fun and a littel silly too, you know.

Best wishes,


Unknown said...

Hookah Hank is AWESOME!! And your niece is, as you say, gorgeous. Now .. I have a 17 year old son .....

Michele said...

OMG, what a riot! Your niece is beautiful! need to lock her in a room until she's 80! J/K. Sounds like a fun family!


Anonymous said...

‘Hookah Hank’ ROCKS! That is awesome.

And your niece is BEAUTIFUL. Very very pretty girl.

Lindsey said...

HAHAHA! This is too funny. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Ok, your niece it totally gorgeous and GO HANK!!!
Those are the kinds of things to remember. The gathering of turkey just gets you to those moments...

Anonymous said...

This is so not fair!!! I miss one holiday because my daughter was sick and you guys bust out a hookah!!

Lola said...

Go Hank! I busted out my bong as soon as the family left ;)

Badass Geek said...

Hmm... Holiday Hookah. Now THERE'S an idea for tradition.

Anonymous said...

"Put that in your pipe and smoke it" is one of my favorite expressions. So is "smoke-um the peace pipe", although it's probably unacceptable to actually say it. Might offend the .5% of the population who're Native American.

Don't ask me how I came to use those expressions - I'll just have to take the 5th.

Anonymous said...

HiHONEY thank god for family fixing up my wireless after coming back from Chgo. i now can read the blogs again I dan't think i can ever miss another holiday It was so much fun
Your blog expressing it to everyone was GREAT

Unknown said...

A new hookah bar opened right down the street from us. I always wondered about it : ). Now I know! I love that Granpa! He looks SO cool and fun!