Friday, February 6, 2009

Upcoming Contest...

So I’ve been mentioning that I have a contest coming up. I’ve also mentioned that it will involve using a camera. “What is it?” some of you have asked. Here are some details.

There will be two winners, first and second place.

The first place winner will have his/her choice of any two of the following prizes and the second place winner will get the remaining prize. Here’s the booty:

A digital photo keychain that holds up to 60 pictures. It includes a USB cable, a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and file transfer software that works with Macintosh OS X and Windows 2000 or newer operating systems.

A twenty five dollar gift card good at any of these restaurants: On The Border, Chili’s, Macaroni Grill or Maggiano’s.

A twenty five dollar gift card good at any of these restaurants: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze or Seasons 52 Fresh Grill.

The contest will be posted tomorrow, Friday February 6th, at 6:00 p.m. CST.

There will be no deadline. If it takes one day or one month to get two winners, that’s fine. I can wait.

What is the contest you may be wondering…It is a photo scavenger hunt. I will list two categories of photos I’m looking for and you will need to submit, via email, a minimum of three from each. I’m not looking for quality per se, just the required subject. As long as you have a digital camera with the ability to email your pictures to me you can play…and I hope you all will.

Note: All of your photos need to be submitted in one email, and please reduce the size first.


Jenny Grace said...

Questions: Reduce the size to what? If we're on a photo sharing site (like flickr) are links to pics sufficient? Do you have a specified format (i.e. jpg vs gif)?

Expat No. 3699 said...


Reduce the size so it’s not huge, if possible. If you can’t, that’s okay.

I would prefer that the photos be emailed, but if you provide a direct link to the pictures so I can copy and paste them, its okay; but provide all of the links in one email.

I would like them as a jpg, preferably saved for web, it keeps the file size down.

Megan said...

OH I am SO excited about this and I am putting my game face on!!!

Skeeter said...

Hi L,

Sounds like a nifty challenge. I'll be looking forward to reading your next post!

Best wishes,


Badass Geek said...

A scavenger hunt? Awesome! Looking forward to hearing more about it.

Anonymous said...

I hope what I have to hunt for is buried under all the snow we have in Vermont.
sounds fun! Nice prizes!

Unknown said...

As long as this isn't one of those - take a picture of yourself naked - things - I'm in. Because trust me - you don't wanna see fatboy naked.

Anonymous said...

Since I do not actually own a digital camera (mine broke and I haven't replaced it) can I use my camera phone?

I don't know how to resize photos but the ones on my phone are teeny tiny.

I can email them though. This is a cool contest.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Why do I have the feeling that you would secretly enjoy that type of contest so you could see the women's photos?!?

You can use your camera phone as long as you have the ability to email me the pictures and I can tell what they are. Don't worry about resizing them.

Anonymous said...

Wheeee a photo scavenger hunt? Yay. I need some serious distraction these days.