“Now ain’t dis romantical ‘n all? ‘N didja sees how I gots us a table close ta da potty? I nodes how dem Sliders git ya goin’.”
“I kin see y’all be doin’ dat dere girly thang an not orderin’ up some eh dem dere onion rings. I node y’all wants em, so go head. Et’s a darn tootin’ holiday fer Pete’s sake!”

“I reckon’ dis were nearabout da best dang V-Day eva, Luv Muffin. ‘N y’all dint think I could pull it off, didja? ‘N sho ‘nuff it ain’t over yit. We gonna git all snug as a bug in a rug when we git back ta da dubba-wide, cuz I went ‘n rented us one of dem videos. I thinks yer gonna like et. ”
Here’s wishin’ y’all a steamy Valentine’s Day!

So Funny. hah
hehehe thanks for the giggle!
Hah! Day-um woman. Ya gots dat ack cent down to a science!
I <3 White Castle with a passion.
My husband was going to call up and make reservations for this so he could take me. I wish now that I had let him do it. That would have been hilarious. The plastic table "cloth" is great.
ROFL!!!! I can't stop giggling :)
Mhmmm, those burgers look goood! Best Valentine's post ever!!!
You should get a special award for your authentic writing. nice.
You should get a special award for your authentic writing. nice.
And it was so great meeting you on Valentines day - and thanks again for the choclate!
HA! I've never actually seen a White Castle until now. Thanks for getting me up to speed.
I take it you didn't see the news article about the young couple that got married in a White Castle...
This is too funny! And now I am hungry!
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