Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Paul...

Today is my husband’s birthday. Happy Birthday Pooh…yeah he’s a Winnie the Pooh fan. He’s my Pooh and I’m his Honey…and you know Pooh can’t live without his Honey.

Since he’s out of town (again), I thought I’d show him a picture of his birthday present. Don’t worry; I’m not ruining the surprise because I already gave it to him. You don’t think I was able to lug that big box into the backyard…and then put it together, do you? I’m showing it to him because he probably misses it more than he does me.

Seven years ago today I gave him a Weber gas grill for his birthday. Though it’s still in great condition, he is a member of club. You know, that ‘guy’ club, where they never ask for directions, have the rule of not making eye contact (or God forbid conversation) while urinating in a public restroom, and also proclaim that it’s not really grilling unless you use charcoal.

While wracking my brain for the perfect gift…the perfect ‘guy’ gift I, thought out my options. Wrapping up a road atlas just didn’t seem appropriate; partly because he has American Indian blood in him and claims that he always ‘knows’ where he is, but mainly because he really does. Blinders in a gift bag just didn’t say, ‘I love you’ like I wanted it to (though it would if I brought up that knife sharpener he got me for my birthday a few years ago…yeah, he’ll never live that one down). Thus, ‘The Performer, by Weber’; a charcoal grill with propane start, on a cart, with room for a platter and a watertight bin to hold the charcoal.

So, Paul, while you’re looking forward to grilling…I’m looking forward to not cooking. And while you’re gazing lovingly at your new ‘toy’, please note the length of the grass…it needs to be cut. And just in case you lie and say you miss me more than your new grill, here’s a picture of me.

Just keep in mind that your charcoal will turn to ash, but I’ll always provide the splash!

Happy Birthday to My Better Half…so what’s for dinner when you get home on Friday?


Gin said...

Those grills are really nice. He must love it!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

You are one hot chic. He BETTER miss you more than that grill!!


Badass Geek said...

I kinda want a grill like that, now.

Happy Birthday, Dude!

Kim's Korner said...

Awww loved that last line!!!

Happy B-Day to your hubby!

Now, it's HIS turn to get photoshopped in the apron, next to that new grill! ;-p

Random Memo's better half said...

Thank you honey for the grill. I love you with all my heart and look forward to getting home to see you.

To WWW: I will always miss her more than a cooking utensil. Now my camera on the other hand.... Just kidding.

To Badass: Thanks and the propane option is killer. No more lighter fluid. Simply press a button and start the grill for 5 minutes. After that the coals are ready in about 20-25 minutes.

To KK: I don't think you will see any pictures of me photoshopped. I am still teaching my better half on how to do the basics with a camera and software. BTW she has a much nicer behind than mine.

Unknown said...

I was really tossed as to what to leave here for a comment - and then I read Paul's reply. all I can say is .. Yes, Paul, she does.

Aunt Juicebox said...

Dang, I am totally coming over this summer. Hot tub, awesome grill, sexy wom.. I mean... wonderful blogger. Wink.

Anonymous said...

Nice Grill! And nice pic....and very nice post.
I played Pooh sticks with RP and lil moonspun this weekend...I am a huge Pooh fan!

Reinventing Dad said...

Very nice post. Great tribute and the perfect guy gift. I loved cooking with charcoal, but hated the lighter fluid (this is when I switched to propane a few years back). Appears "The Performer" gives you the best of all worlds. Happy Grilling when Paul gets home (& I mean on the BBQ)...Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Paul. I do love that BBQ, and your missus, she is smokin'.
Have a lovely, lovely day!

Lola said...

That is a nice grill and a nice rack ;) Happy belated birthday, Paul.