Monday, May 18, 2009

Why You Shouldn't...

…put on a pair of jeans that are still damp.

I found myself pulling up my pants all day. If I were in the movie ‘Oh Brother Where Art Thou?’ I’d be a saggy bottom girl.

My daughter had her ‘50 Cent’ to add, “I see London, I see France. My mama be doin’ da hip hop dance.

(Hand raised, palm out) I may be wack, but don’t diss.


Gin said...

So THAT'S what all the plumbers do!! Someone needs to let them know to let their pants dry all the way!

Aunt Juicebox said...

Maybe you need smaller pants.

Wait. What? said...

Soggy Bottom Band - that movie ranks right up there with one of my favorites!!!

Maybe a smaller jean? you are a little thing!

Nej said...

Been there, done that. The area around my knees are usually just as bad. :-)

Unknown said...

Oh, just let 'em fall off.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oh, yeah. You've got to love the "hitching up" movement. :)

But I will say you're so totally dope. Fo shizzle.

Badass Geek said...

I dislike a soggy bottom just as much as the next guy, but still I laugh.

Momisodes said...

ROFL! I'm lovin' your dope rhymes :)

Mental P Mama said...

Looking good there !

meleah rebeccah said...

the photos are HILARIOUS!

Megan said...

I love the last photo! hah

Holly said...

So *that's* how kids are saying that rhyme these days. :)

bernthis said...

Agh! I don't know you do it but I'm glad you did b/c I needed a laugh

Lola said...

Are those granny panties?