Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Because She Asked For It...

A couple of months ago was the first, of I hope many, of my Found Porn posts. Apparently the title, Druid Porn has brought a few folks my way. (Silly, silly tree perverts people).

One of the comments from that post has had my creative juices a flowin’.

Here She is in au natural splendor…

…and now, with only the first of many ‘accessories’ to come, I present...


Wonderful World of Weiners said...

So creative. Blue is her color!!

Hallie :)

TexAss said...

Ha! This is great. I needed a morning laugh!!! Can't wait to see her next outfit!

Gin said...

Oh Lord. You and only you. The neighbors must think you are insane. HILARIOUS!

Kim's Korner said...

Can't wait to see what she'll be wearing next!

Will she have a spatula or leather whip dangling from that 'hand' LOL

Oh the possibilities!

Badass Geek said...

Did you have to explain anything to the neighbors when you were doing this?

Momisodes said...


I love that that apron is pushed to the side ;)

Organic Meatbag said...

Wow, it is a wonder you don't have every perv in town getting caught in your tree's knothole...

Anonymous said...

OMFG! That is great. Although I think she could use a pearl necklace, too. NO, not THAT kind! Dirty minds...
I'd love to live a day in your creative mind...it sounds fun in there!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oh, that is just too frakking funny! I think she needs some lingerie, next! :)

Lola said...

HA!!! I'm such a good influence. Next time, I want to see something a little more kinky!

Wine and Words said...

w00t! I love it.

Aunt Becky said...

I just died. A lot.

Cindy said...


meleah rebeccah said...

I Love it! Ahahhahahahah