Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Blogiversary....

…to me.

Showing my age, but I’ve got the ‘Happy Anniversary’ song from The Flintstones stuck in my head. What? You’re waaaay younger than me and don’t know what I’m referring to? What. Ev. Er. Here it is:

Yes, I’ve been blogging for a mere year and I’m still a newbie but I’m coming along. So, with all my happy, happy, joy, joy feelings I’m doing a Give-A-Way!

What? You’re waaaay younger than me and don’t know what I’m referring to? What. Ev. Er. Here it is:

Okay, back to the Give-A-Way. No contest. No work on your part; just me giving one of you something for free a comment. That’s it, just leave me a comment. You can tell me what your favorite post was. You can tell me how you happened upon my blog. You can just say ‘hello’ or tell me I’ve been here a year too long. First time here, doesn’t matter, just give a shout out. And if you’re one of those creepy shy lurkers, it’s your chance to come out of the woodwork. It doesn’t matter what you comment, just comment because that’s your raffle ticket chance to win this:

It’s an urban renewal tote with:
4 oz. organic body lotion with vitamin C
4 oz. botanical green tea body wash
6 oz. Himalayan blend soaking salts
Green tea & tea tree oil cleansing wipes
Natural glycerin soap
Soft bamboo fiber bath sponge

Oh, wait all you he-men, I didn’t leave you out. Though you could give the lovely lady in your life this great bag of goodies, I’m also including an Aluminum LED Flashlight. No, I didn’t take a picture of it because in my anal consciousness I couldn’t take a befitting picture like I did of the other prize. See how the tote and goodies look all spa-like spread out on my shower floor? Had I taken a picture of the flashlight it would have been in the garage on top of the Craftsman tool chest, however it was very dusty and covered in guy crap and I wasn’t going there. So, back to what I said before: What. Ev. Er. Just know there is a prize for both species sexes.

Want to win, leave me a comment. You’ve got a couple of days to do so before I use that random thingy to pick a winner for me. How many days? How about Sunday, yeah Sunday. You have until I wake up on Sunday to come out of the woodwork, blow kisses, tell me I suck or What. Ev. Er. Just leave a comment.


Kim's Korner said...


That tune was running through my head the minute I read "Happy Anniversary song' ... so enough with that crap about being waaaaaay younger. I remember! I remember!

Happy Happy Joy Joy - Always hated that song! And those little freaks too!

Ren and Stimpy reminds me of high school. UGH!

Here's to many many many more posts! Not sure what my favourite one is, but my favourite pic, HAS to be the recent 'moonspun'. LMAO!

Uh oh ... does that make me weird? ;-)

Mental P Mama said...

WoooHooo! I want that! And, I am older than you, and still love those songs;) I think my favorite post was the original apron one, until you posted the one this week with your husband telling you that you are an exhibitionist. Butt I digress.....

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY. I am so glad you are blogging. I enjoy all of your posts. You have an exuberance and wit that I love.
Hope you continue blogging for a long, long time.

Wait. What? said...

Congrats a blog er anniversary!!!!

and for the record I knew each song you spoke but loved the memories!

Gin said...

Happy Blogiversary! I remember I found your blog through Cat. After I read the blog for that day and cracked up I stayed up half the night reading through your archives. I hadn't laughed so hard in forever. You still keep me laughing!

Marie C said...

Yes,for the most part I have been a kinda shy (but not creepy!) lurker, reading most all of your posts but remaining silent. It's not that I don't enjoy reading them, if there was no enjoyment I wouldn't do it! I come out of the woodwork now and then, not doing it today just for a chance to win a prize, just felt compelled to because of the (creepy) thing.

Happy Blogiversary, keep writing and I'll keep silently (for the most part) reading...

Marie C said...

I forgot to say "THANKS" now I cant get those songs out of my head!! All day now I will be singing "Happy Happy Joy Joy" and "Happy Anniversary"!!!! And YES I remember them only too clearly!

Nej said...

Three things...

1) Happy anniversary!!!! Love your blog!!!!!

2) I know both of those songs, and now they are simultaneously playing in my "musical fly paper" brain. I don't know whether to thank you, or shoot a virtual rubber band at you. (rubber bands settle all of our office disputes here at work) :-)

3) Love the tile in your shower. :-)

Wine and Words said...

Pick me, Pick me! Did I win, Did I win? (Simmer down) Tis win enough to find another old enough to remember all the classic songs in the cartoon playlist.

Yabba Dabba Do! Happy Anniversary to you!

Captain Dumbass said...

I find you comments to be quite sexist. Maybe I want a soft bamboo fiber bath sponge. Can't a man want soft luxurious skin too?

The flash light? Is it one of those big ones with the D cell batteries for taking down thugs?

What? I'm still a man.

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Since I can't win any of my stuff, thought I'd try for yours!!

Hallie :)

Momisodes said...

What a wonderful giveaway you have going on here. I was a HUGE fan of the Flinstones and Ren & Stimpy back in the day. I'd still watch them if they were still airing :)

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Bama Cheryl said...

Congrats on your Blogiversary! And many, many more! Waaaaaayyyy old enough to remember both songs. Perhaps now old enough to forget them too. Cool stuff in your Blogiversary giveaway. Keep going!

Anonymous said...

I think it was that hot picture of you and the blender that kept me coming back...
I want to know if you have a hand motion that goes with the What.Ev.Er. I know my daughter does!
Happy Anniversary, my friend!

Unknown said...

COMMENT! Congratulations Linda.

Fraughter said...

Happy Blogiversary Momma!

Lola said...

Not only am I old enough to have watched every Flinstones episode a hundred times, followed by every Gilligan episode, I've had a pet named after every character on the 'Stones.

Come to think of it, we had two cats named Fred and one dog and one pig named Dino.

Pick me now!

Jenny Grace said...

Happy blogiversary to you!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! One year. I just came over to say hi and look what I stumbled upon! Hope you are doing OK in your cubicle!

Lifeofkaylen said...

funny, I was just getting ready to comment on your blog when you commented on mine!!!!
I think that deserves a prize right there, right?

Let me know when you need my address. :)

Lana said...

wow seriously awesome...
I could use a hot shower with things to play with!
I am totally impressed with your blog! L

Reinvent Dad said...

3699 - You have a terrific knack for seeing something from nothing...that didn't sound right. You have an ability to bring any object (animate or inanimate) to LIFE thoroughly describing what it is, its purpose and its story. You're creative as crap, and I have to say that the post that you decided to show your bottom through a dryer window was/is my favorite!

meleah rebeccah said...

Aw!!! YAY!

