Ten Things About Me and My Body
Ten Things About Me and Music
Ten Random Things About Me
I haven’t done one of these posts since last August so I figured it was time for another installment. Here goes.
Ten Things About Me and My Childhood:
- Living on the south side of Chicago until I was almost seven, I remember I never rang a doorbell when calling on a friend. The proper etiquette at the time was to stand at the front door and yell, “Yo-o-o-h, Susie! Can you come out and play?”
- Upon moving to the suburbs I was quite perplexed to learn the aforementioned was unheard of and you actually had to ring the doorbell.
- A little brother was not only good to lay blame on for any mishaps; he also provided more dates for my numerous Barbie dolls in the form of his GI Joe’s.
- Learning sign language along with my best friend in the fifth grade made it easy to communicate during class and not get caught passing notes.
- It was not only okay to get a drink from the hose; it was the preferred method of re-hydration after my mother had just gotten through washing the kitchen floor.
- Missing the bus for school not only meant getting there late because I had to walk; it also meant coming up with my own excuse since my mother wouldn’t write a note.
- Reading the complete set of the ‘Little House’ series by Laura Ingalls Wilder will make you long to live in the Big Woods or On the Prairie or even on the Banks of Plum Creek.
- Reading The Borrowers series will let your imagination run wild and make you wonder if little people are living in your dollhouse.
- In second grade it is not only acceptable to have a crush on the same boy as your friend, it is improper not to…
- …having a crush on the same boy in seventh grade is grounds for dissolution of said friendship.
Love it;) And the water always tasted so much better out of the hose, too....
yea, what IS it about that water hose?
I've read some of the Little House books with my daughter...classic! Did you know that they actually get more complicated to read as Laura gets older in the books and that they written that way on purpose!?
Hehehe, I can relate to # 9... In 2nd grade, I think about 12 of us boys all had a crush on the same girl...and it got downright hostile for a bunch of 2nd graders...hahaha!
One hundred things is a lot. You'd be better off to pace yourself. =)
Love it! I actually tried to convince my parents to move to somewhere out West so that we could live like the Ingalls.
Ah yes. I miss those days of sipping from a hose. When it wasn't considered unsafe :)
p.s. I shared a crush on a boy with my BF in 2nd grade.
p.s.s. In seventh grade, my BF dated the boy I had a crush on.
I LOVED the Laura books! But what I enjoyed even more, was when we'd watch Little House On The Prairie on sunday nights, and Mom would brush and braid my hair ... just like Laura's! ;-)
Boy - do I remember #1. Only there wasn't anyone named Susie in our neighborhood (Now that I think about it - that's a little strange) We had Bobby, and Joey and Bronco and Eddie and George and Bobby P, and Gloria and Valerie and little Stevie that lived on the third floor the Zeferen's building and I think I was in love with his mother. Yes, I was a horny little stinker even then.
YOU GREW UP IN CHICAGO? That's AWESOME! We were practically neighbors.
Oh the days of being able to hollar at the front door for a friend to come out and play...
great memories!
I loved Little House, too. My ex husband started buying me the series (on VHS) but I must have given them away long ago, because I don't have them anymore.
2nd grade vs 7th grade...I totally agree!! :-)
I grew up in a small town like the one featured by John Cougar, but I always remember ringing the doorbell and saying "Can such and such come out and play?"
Oh YES! and I grew up in the west of Ireland before moving to London as a teenager CULTURE SHOCK or what! had to stop calling everyone Auntie and Uncle, never met friends families, they practically spoke a different language, they BOUGHT their clothes and no one knitted or sewed, they bought their vegetables too and had things like broccoli and runner beans (how exotic!), they didn't wear hand me downs, or read books...
When we were kids all the houses were left unlocked and kids just used to wander in. It would never happen nowadays. I loved these little snippets from your childhood.
100 of anything is a lot, except dollar bills of course. That's why I can't say I've tried to make any lists.
I enjoyed your list, though. Keep up the good work!
Loved it. Number 5 was my favorite!
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