Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Caption This...

Yet another ‘Caption This’ post. This photo was taken by my better half during his travels. Leave what you think the caption should be in a comment.

Here are last week’s favorites:

If you have any photographs that you’d like to see ‘captioned’ feel free to send them to me at I’ll give you the credit and link to your site.


kapgar said...

"But they don't pick up the phone."

Sorry, just had to. I was guided over here by SheilaCSR.

Caron said...

Welcome to Burnett County. Now get the hell out.

Gin said...

"...and if they're too slow we take matters into our own hands."

Badass Geek said...

Shoot First, Ask Questions Never.

Momisodes said...

ROFL at the comments here.

-Burnett County- We call the police...after we shoot.

Organic Meatbag said...

Burnett county - " Still not clear on the meaning of irony"...

mumma boo said...

Burnett County - "We call the clean up the carcass".

PS - Thanks for your lovely comment on my guest post at Moonspun's place! I really appreciate it. :)

Reinvent Dad said...

Burnett County - "Home of the A-Team"

Kim's Korner said...

Burnett County - You'll get in, but you WON'T get out!

Citizen Patrol Recruiting! (Must sign waiver)

Sorry, I chuckled at both. Yes, I know, sad that I laugh @ my own jokes ;-)

Thanks for making me one of the winners last week! There are always so many good ones submitted.

Funny crowd!

Anonymous said...

Oops, wrong lever, meant to hit dial on the cell phone....

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Shoot first. Call 911 later. :)

Nej said...

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!"

Lola said...

"We may call the cops, but we don't NEED them!"

meleah rebeccah said...

ahahahahahah @

Rainbow-bright makes a comeback!