I woke on Friday at the ass crack of dawn to pick up Shelia and Fraughter to catch an 8:15 a.m. flight to Orlando. It was pouring rain. I was barely awake and it would be a couple of hours before the sun was.
I was in the state of Florida for less than 48 hours and maybe got seven hours of sleep the two nights there.
How could this be awesome you wonder. One word: Avitaween.
More to follow, but right now I need to go to bed. In the mean time here’s a condensed pictorial.



Like I said, awesome.
fuck that sounds fun. sleep well, buttercup!
Oh great. Now the internet knows I'm human.
My pants are falling down in that middle picture, btw.
I had such a blast with you guys this weekend - I can't wait for a repeat.
Except I think I may never touch vodka again.
Loving it.
those pictures may just say it all....
Wow. Looks like you guys had fun. Way cool.
WooHoo! Sounds awsome!
Pictures worth thousands of words!
Oh Man! What a blast!
The middle looked fun.
Yay !! It was so wonderful meeting you and Fraughter - yall are awesome dressing !!!! ; )
Not waiting til next Avitaween to hang out again, we'll have to plan something before !
SO wish I could have been there.
I was so happy to finally meet you! Yayness!
Hahaha - that last picture of Sheila drooling on the window is awesome. And it was great to see you again and meet your daughter - she was very fun!
That's very possibly the best three-picture summary I've ever seen. Awesome!
It was good to meet you and I'm glad we had some time to chat before the party.
You are like the hottest mom EVAR! Was so good to meetcha and Nicole-hope to see you again before a whole damn year rolls around!
Now THAT'S the way to spend a weekend!!!!
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