Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday To My Husband…

As many of you know, Paul has been working in India for the past 6 months and his assignment may take up to two years. Tomorrow is his birthday…but as India is 10 ½ hours ahead of where I’m at, it’s actually his birthday today. Huh?

So happy birthday to my Pooh from his Honey.

“Happy Birthday to you.
You’re living in a zoo.
Say ‘hello’ to the monkeys.
Happy Birthday dear Pooh.”


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Paul.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Paul! And you look great!

Badass Geek said...

Happy Birthday, Paul!

Sheila said...

You crack me up!

Happy Birthday Mr. Fab Tits!

Aunt Juicebox said...

Happy Birthday to Paul, and you look so pretty!

Unknown said...

Hope he had a happy Birthday. You are so creative.