Thursday, December 2, 2010


Stuff from India…

…I don’t know if it’s necessarily good stuff; but it’s free.  Read on.

I started this blog in June of 2008 as something to do while my husband traveled 50% of the time for his job.  Since then there have been times where I have posted religiously and others where I was just too busy with real life to do so.  Since my move to India I’ve been posting more frequently and find that I have quite a few people following my adventure. 

I haven’t done a Give-Away or contest in quite some time and figure now’s as good a time as any to change that.  Part of the reason is to share a taste of India, and the other is to flush some of you out of the woodwork.  Yeah, I know there are quite a few people reading that don’t comment here or on FaceBook.  I don’t know who you all are, but my StatCounter shows me how many visitors I get.

So here’s how this Give-Away is going to work.  I have three packages of goodies from India; that means three winners.  For a chance at winning one, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post by 7:00 pm CST, Monday, December 6th.  It doesn’t matter what you say.  It can be a simple hello, or you can tell me I’m crazy for moving to India, or that you think lima beans are yucky.  Just leave a comment and three winners will be picked randomly and announced the next day. 

Don’t know how to leave a comment?  It’s easy peasy:

First: Click on ‘Comment’ at the bottom of this post.
Second: Write your comment in the large box.
Third: Type in the ‘Word Verification’
Fourth: Click on ‘Name/URL’ and type in your name.

Now if you absolutely can not figure this out you can email your comment to: Lfabsits (AT) yahoo (DOT) com.

I’ll be using a Random Generator if all entries are on this post.  In the case where some are sent via email I will have my grandchildren draw the names from a hat…or a bowl…or whatever is handy at the time.

Good luck and don’t be shy.

** Time's Up.


Rachel said...

I have been eating Indian food all the time and I blame you since you are in India.

Mom to 3, nana to 6 said...

I can't believe you moved to India. I would be scared shitless. Keep blogging I love reading about your adventures.

Blondefabulous said...

I have been sincerely enjoying your adventures in India! It has been highly educational!

I hope you are feeling better. Vertigo is a bitch!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Even though I haven't consistently commented lately (frakking kids!) I'm enjoying your adventure. Seriously, I may have to use some Delta Skymiles to visit at some point! Keep writing and I'll keep reading and commenting when I can. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. I love reading your blog! I am especially enjoying reading about your adventures in India. Thanks for blogging!
Shelley F. in Saskatchewan, Canada

Avitable said...

Wait. You mean you're not sending me a package regardless? Harumph.

Karen said...

I will confess, I have been reading you since MySpace days! I commented something about worst jobs or something WAY back in maybe 2007!

I am enjoying your new adventure though and will comment more often!

Geri Pieczynski said...

I have been reading your blogs and find them quite interesting, especially since my oldest daughter will be visiting for 3 weeks after Christmas -she is going through a program at University of Iowa for Music/Dance and looking forward to it. I'm not quite sure I share her enthusiasm.

Bama Cheryl said...

I comment all the time and love your Indian adventures since I work long distance with a group of (supposed) writers in India. Living your adventure vicariously. Love Indian food too. Hope you're feeling much better!

adnil ffb said...

Wow...your blog is a gift to everyone,Thank you.

MIL said...

Hello Honey,I'm so GLAD you must be feeling better I was quite worried about you.Hope they find out what is causing the vertigo today.If you feel up to it call after the Dr's.Love You,MIL...Keep up the blogs

ShaggyEric said...

Love following your adventure!

Sheila said...

Gimme gimme gimme....just think....if I win, instead of you driving to the post office, I can drive to your house!

I wonder what sort of bribe D&I will take in exchange for drawing my name??

Fraughter said...

Can I play or is immediate family disqualified? I think I should get a shot seeing you didn't bring me home a souvenir!! said...

I love hearing your adventures. Keep it up and give paul a big hug!!

I can't find my blog said...

I'd love to see the goodies from India. And I think you know that I'm loving reading about your adventures. I totally would have done it if I didn't have kids at home.

Unknown said...

Pick me!!! Pick me!!! PICK ME!!!

Lori Reimer said...

You know I'm here. I'm a lurker - I admit it!

Bean Bell said...

I really enjoy the posts from India - you aren't crazy to have an adventure!

Wendy said...

Do I think you're crazy for moving to India? Yes! Am I jealous over all the adventures you will get to experience? Yes! Do I enjoy your interesting, funny, thoughful, and sometimes poignant entries? YES, YES & YES!!!

Cuz'n Carol said...

Oooooh, crap from India! I'm in!

Paula Mitchell said...

Hope you are feeling better soon and lima beans are yucky. - Paula

Kheris said...

Goodies from India? Does that include those little bells I used to buy at gift shops. I don't remember what they were called. Glad to hear the vertigo is just that not something chronic. The ear inflammation..not such good news. Hope the other ear is going to be OK.

Cathy's Friend Christine. Hey..did you have that burger?

Expat No. 3699 said...

Time's up....