Friday, January 14, 2011


I know, I know.  I’ve been back in Mumbai for a week and a half and only a quick post until now.  I just needed a bit of time to acclimate myself and get into a routine.  Plus, whenever I sat down at my laptop I just couldn’t seem to pick one particular thing to write about.

I mean; do I tell you about how much cleaning I do and that with this small washer and dryer I average about 17 loads of laundry a week…

…or about how cooking the simplest of meals is a challenge…

…but that I wouldn’t trade this experience for all the tea in China, or India for that matter.

Do I confess that being alone all day I sometimes find that I’m talking to myself, out loud…

…but it’s okay, because I like my own company.

Maybe I should tell you that we don’t have a car and driver yet and I can only get to the grocery store once a week…

…but how there’s a produce walla just outside our building and I can buy fresh fruits and vegetables everyday?

Or complain about the hot water running out before I’ve gotten all the shampoo out of my hair…

…but while showering I can look through the one way glass and watch bright green parrots mere feet away?

Perhaps admit that Paul and I briefly crashed a party last night at the community center and stood out like two sore thumbs…

…but that we had a great time?

Yeah, that’s the ticket.  I’m going to go with that last one.

There is a community center in our complex.  Besides a central building, a pool, tennis courts and playground, there are several large grassy areas, two of which we’ve seen used for parties.  Lots of parties, as in six of them in the last 10 days.  Don’t ask me what these parties are for because I couldn’t tell you; well, except for the one last Friday night which was clearly for a birthday.  I figured that out when I heard them singing ‘Happy Birthday’.  I know; very perceptive of me.

Though I don’t know what the other parties were for, I can tell you that they looked quite formal.  Stages are erected, tables and chairs arranged and then covered in linens, lights are strung, and elaborate food stations are set up.  I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that I’d need an invitation to attend. 

But yesterday, other than seeing large speakers set out there was no indication it would be a party at all.  As the sun set the music started playing and it got louder and louder.  People began to arrive and by night fall there were several hundred.  A huge bon fire was lit in the center and everyone started dancing.  How could we not walk over and get a closer look?

Would you like a look too?  Here’s a video I took.  You’ll have to forgive the quality, other than the fire and a couple of spot lights it was pretty dark out.


Blondefabulous said...

One of the things I love about Sarasota/Bradenton is we have wild Lorakeets, Parrots, and Flamingos! I feel like I'm living in another country sometimes!

bama Cheryl said...

My Indian connection friend on Facebook was wishing people Happy Lohri on Wednesday. Lohri (Punjabis celebrate the eve of winter solstice day, now migrated to January) festivities sounds a bit like Halloween and it's the day before the Hindu winter solstice festival of Makar Sankranti. God bless Wikipedia. Maybe the parties are related to all that.

LindaSue said...

I knew you would crash that party!!! No lie I knew you would do it. Good for you!!!! What an awesome adventure, thanks for sharing it with us all.

hello haha narf said...

i am LOVING that you crashed the party. wonderful! (i probably would have done the same thing.)

i learned a new word today: walla. that pleases me more than you can know. :)

i am a single woman and talk to myself ALL the time at home. since i have two dogs sometimes i let them think i am talking to them.

the shower situation would have me in tears (i have a lot of hair), but i think i could handle the laundry issue. regardless, i am just so impressed with your positive outlook on this experience. your blog is a fantastic gift to us. thank you!

Badass Geek said...

I talk to myself all the time. Good conversations, too.

Anonymous said...

You should always enjoy your own company. Whether or not you talk back.
And fresh fruit and that is a bonus.