Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Back in the day, when I started this blog, I chose to go by the moniker of Employee No. 3699.  Now, almost three years later, I find the need to change that.  I’m currently not employed; actually it's been over ten months since I’ve whined: “I don’t want to go to work today.”  So since I’m living in India…and who knows where after this…I’ve decided to go with Expat No. 3699. 


Unknown said...

A rose by any other name ....

"Expat No. 3699" - known to the locals as "That crazy white lady who lives all the way up there, whose car has no antenna."


Blondefabulous said...

Seems like a good plan to me!

Bama Cheryl said...

Makes great sense, Linda. Awesome too about finding some friends. Will make all the difference in your enjoyment of your adventure -- not that Paul isn't enjoyment enough... Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Love it!