After running to Walgreens to fill my prescription for a fun filled weekend, a five-pack and some inhalants (i.e. antibiotics and an inhaler), I had to get my sick
self over to PetSmart. My dogs needed toys and they needed them TODAY. You see, all of their toys are somewhere in the backyard hiding under
yellow snow. Every. Single. One. And when you have a seven month old puppy with no toys this is what can happen:

And this.

And even this.

So, as you can see, there was no waiting for Christmas. New chew toys were needed stat!

And even though I was humming “Cha-chingle Bells” all the way to the register…

…it’s cheaper than what it’ll cost to replace the woodwork.
They’re lucky I love them.
Damn dogs.
Oh no! Luckily Sadie is content with her toys..oh and my expensive shoes. She has only chewed up one..but, I politely showed her she couldn't do that :)
Definitely cheaper! I'm doing some wook work around the house and oh boy are the stores proud of those materials. Hope you can find a nice sale price somewhere on that trim.
Best wishes,
The wife's kitten does the same thing, except it refuses to use the scratching posts we buy it. It much prefers my arms and legs. I have the scars to prove it.
Holy cow! I have a 7 month old dog, too and I definitely know what you are talking about. I can walk into PetSmart and spend about that much, too. Those Kongs are NOT cheap.
Just stopped by your blog and thought I would comment!
My cats are so good about the scratching and chewing, I don't know how I got so lucky. They do, however, try to climb the door frames like a tree. And they can get all the way to the top. Dang animals.
oh my goodness, the jaws on them! and you are right, toys definitely cheaper than woodwork...
Notice how for Badass it is his WIFE'S kitten?!
Peanut butter and cheese cubes. The best filling. :)
The same thing has happened to me. My old dog used to love these leather loafers my hubby had. And my hubby loved the leather loafers - he had searched for years for the right ones. The dog demolished them in one sitting. We all know never to mention the "L" word around him. 20 years later the pain is as raw as it ever was. LOL.
Oh my goodness..yes, I would say there are very lucky indeed. And I don't have any good solutions for you except keeping the chew toys handy! Oh my!
well, I am glad you are starting to feel better!
Hope the puppy enjoys the new toys!
Naughty puppy! My dogs love those Nylabones. Why, I don't know, because they seem like rock-hard plastic, but they never chewed anything they weren't supposed to.
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