Monday, July 6, 2009

Fourth of July Recap...

Grass cut? Check.
Pool cleaned? Check.
Food prepared? Check.
Fireworks smuggled? Check.
Rain. Che…what? WHAT?

It rained on and off all day long. Other than cooking slab upon slab of ribs and such on the grill it was enough to keep us all inside. Our dogs and the adolescent boys in the neighborhood, however, were not deterred. Ahhh, the smell of wet dog and sulfur in the air; there’s nothing else like it…nor should there be.

I tried to keep the holiday spirit and instead of just cutting up an orchard of fruit and dumping it in a bowl I decided to go all out:

Note the stars on the handle? Yeah, Martha would be in awe but apparently no one else was.

They started dropping



What to do?

Monopoly? No. AKA Monotony.
Sing Star? No. Not drunk enough.
Wii Bowling? SCORE!

After much goading and prodding it was on! The rules were outlined and the roster set. Competitive natures emerged as the tournament commenced. I was up first and my opponent and I ran neck and neck all ten frames. The tension was thick as I tried every ploy to throw him off. I teased and taunted in vain as I lost by 8 pins. Knocked out in the first round…

…by my seven year old grandson. What. Ev. Er.

Thank goodness the rain cleared up early evening just in time to enjoy some sparklers before the fireworks.

I hope you all had a happy, safe and…

…non-humiliating Fourth of July weekend.


Organic Meatbag said...

My 4th consisted of lots of rain too, leading to a an aborted day of staining the deck and a mad rush of trying to grill various meats in between yeah, a total wash-out...hehehe...

Badass Geek said...

If it was nothing else, it definitely was not humiliating. Of which I am very thankful.

Neat sparkler pics, btw!

Mental P Mama said...

All right. I am impressed with that watermelon! Glad you had a nice time;)

Gin said...

We had rain, rain, and more rain. Loved the watermelon. Even if no one else was impressed I am!

Wait. What? said...

Great shots and awsome Watermelon! I agree thank goodness it cleared up in time for the fireworks!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am totally impressed by your watermellon basket. The star just rocks!
And those sparkler pics are very, very cool.
We coudn't find any sparkler's just smoke bombs so we didn't get any.
They tend to fizzle in the rain and aren't nearly as fun!

Wine and Words said...

Love the sparkler pictures! And your bowl was beautiful. I feel like I finally participated in the 4th (have to spend it holed up at home with the frantic dog).

meleah rebeccah said...

That watermelon basket is THE BEST!!!

Aunt Becky said...

I want Sparklers! Color me jealous.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

HA! Pwned by a 7-year-old.

Glad you had a great weekend. And I? Am totally impressed by the stars. Martha can suck it. :)

Slyde said...

sorry about the rain... i was just tickled pink that we finally DIDNT get rain here for the 4th.. it was a beautiful day..

Momisodes said...

I am quite impressed with the star and watermelon!

And that has to be the biggest sparkler I've ever seen!

Looks like it was a great 4th :)

Unknown said...

Where the hell did you EVER find sparklers that long???

Evansmom said...

I am totally impressed by your watermelon basket. It rained on and off here too if that makes you feel any better. :) Sounds like a fun time.

Evansmom said...

I am totally impressed by your watermelon basket. It rained on and off here too if that makes you feel any better. :) Sounds like a fun time.

Lola said...

Yeah, where did the long sparklers come from? Glad you got some fun in, and I love your watermelon!

Anonymous said...

Love the watermelon baskets. Martha couldn't even dream of doing the stars as good as that!

Nej said...

The watermelon rocks!!! We had quite a bit of rain as well. But let off late in the afternoon finally.