Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rock Hard Porn...

So I did a post a month ago about what I considered ‘found porn’. You know, images that seem innocent but when you take a second look you see something else…something a little pornographic?

The picture I posted last month, which you can see here is an obvious example. On a side note: I’ve been getting hits on my blog with the name of that post which was ‘Druid Porn’. Why? Because people out there are actually Googling ‘Druid Porn’. Damn Tree Freaks.

Whatever, to each there own but back to this post. My husband was recently traveling in Utah, and as he’s prone to do, took a ton of photographs. As he was showing me some of them, one just jumped out at me.

He (the photograph) said, “Check me out.” What? You didn’t know that non human subjects in pictures are male or female? Well they are. It’s similar to the whole el and la thing going on with the Spanish language. Don’t question it, it just is.

Anyhoo back to the photograph; it reminded me of The Thing from The Fantastic Four, except this view is from the back side.

Do you see it? The legs spread with huge calf muscles leading up to the knees and then muscular thighs and buttocks ending at the waist. Tell me I’m not the only one and you see it too. Just take another look.

Okay, either…you see it or you don’t. I’m just going to assume you do and will now point out that there is a definite butt crack in that set of buttocks. Yeah, found porn.

On a side note: This formation is located in a state where the majority of its residents are Mormon (read: anti-gay) and even though there are numerous other images they could have put on their license plates, they chose this one (read: Utah needs a new PR Rep.).

Just sayin’.


Wait. What? said...

I see it - I like when I can see human features on inanimate objects!!!

LOL at the Utah plates!

Marie C said...

Porn aside, what an AWESOME picture!!!!

Gin said...

I see it too! Is it weird that I find it a little sexy? I love me some tight calf muscles!

TexAss said...


And love the Utah plates. I can only imagine all the Mormon faces if they passed a car with one of those plates. I laugh at the thought...

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Funny! And yes I see it. It's so damn obvious!!

Hallie :)

Kim's Korner said...

OH! NOOOWWWW I remember! Druid Porn!

Totally see it!

You see Fantastic Four, I see Transformers.

We're both wacked! ;-)

Nej said...

I hate it when I'm driving somewhere, and I'll see what you're talking about...but in the clouds.

Cloud porn. It's out there. :-)

Gert said...

Have you ever seen the pine trees like they have tons of fingers flipping you off? I pointed one out to my husband today. He didn't see it. He probably wouldn't appreciate rock or tree porn, either. Pffft.

Anonymous said...

I see it. I see it. That is incredible.

Those plates are absolutely hilarious. I so want one that says UP YOURS.

Kat said...

I saw it before I even read! I was like "Why does she have a rock ass on her page?" in my head.

Ann Imig said...

These found porn photos are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Do I get extra points for seeing it the first time??

bernthis said...

those calves look like mine, thanks very much.

meleah rebeccah said...

these plates are total comedy!